Ch 48 [Night Time]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After caving in and deciding to spend the night with this girl, Sayo. I guess she just want's some company over because she was quite lonely, maybe living alone for so long has taken a toll on her? She was quite sweet and she had quite the kind heart.

Sayo:"Hey, Red.-

-What kind of life did you live before we met?"

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-What kind of life did you live before we met?"

Tatsumi:"Well, not a good one i can tell you that. But because we're friend's i think i can trust you."

Sayo:"Okay, i'll listen to ever detail."

Tatsumi:"I was born in a small village where my parents left me to complete there final mission which is sadly the one get the idea. When i was about six or seven my village was burned down by the empire."



Sayo:"This village you're talking about, did it happen to be around the southern side of the empire?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah, why?"

Sayo:"Well, you remember how i said i was here to save my village? That was a lie, i was just testing the water before jumping in head first."

Tatsumi:(She's pretty smart, she didn't want me to know her actual story until she could trust me.):"What actually happened then, and why does this all matter?"

Sayo:"Because that village you were talking about, was the same village i spent my childhood in."

Tatsumi:"Y-You're that girl who would always be catching butterflies, right?"

Sayo:"Yup, that's me. And you're the boy who always had that sword with him aren't you?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah, that's me."

I was stunned, i thought she was killed in the fire but i guess she managed to escape almost unharmed, i say "Almost" because once she told me how she escaped she slightly raised her dress and showed me that she had a still healing burn on her inner thigh.

Sayo:"The doctor said that she didn't think that the burn would ever fully heal, hell. I can't even really feel it because it apparently burnt some of the nerve's in my leg so it's kinda numb there, that's why i walk so funny."

Thinking back on it, she really did have an odd manner of walking. She always put a bit more force into that leg and looked like she would trip at any moment, it surprised me that she was so comfortable with showing me this wound she had i know that if i had a wound like that i'd be keeping it covered at all time's.

Sayo:"S-Sorry, i should've been a little more....modist about raising my dress, i'm sorry if you saw anything."

Tatsumi:"I didn't, it's fine. I always wondered what happened to you though."

Sayo:"I glad we got to meet again, i suspected it was you just from the voice but the mask made it a little tough to say for sure."

Me and Sayo shared a moment, i never thought i'd see here again but here she was. It was a huge blessing to see my old friend again, to think i didn't even know her name when we first met as children i simply called her "Butterfly Girl". After out moment she asked me a question that caught me off guard.

Sayo:"Tatsumi, do you have a wife or children?"

Sayo:"Tatsumi, do you have a wife or children?"

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Tatsumi:"N-No, not now."


-If you want i could be your wife, and we could have a child now

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-If you want i could be your wife, and we could have a child now."

I couldn't even form a sentence i was so stunned by her, was she being serious right now?

Sayo:"*Laughter* Just messing with you, but if you gave me the offer i'd take it up."

After a let out a sigh of relief we decided to go to bed, she fought me on sleeping together like when we were kid's but i told her it isn't like that anymore. Eventually i caved and we ended up sleeping together, i wasn't exactly happy about it but i can't say i was completely opposed to the idea either.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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