Ch 42 [Truth of the Empire: PT.2]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After leading Akame out of the Oarburgh clan's base i took her to a spot that over looked a part of the capital where she would be a witness to a portion of the corruption, and oh boy was she shocked to see it.

Akame:"Sweet lord, what happened to these people?"

Tatsumi:"The minister happened, he's let this place go down the drain so it's people suffer. And the worst part of it, his royal highness is to fuckin' blind to see his people are suffering because he can't do anything on his own without the minister telling him what to do."

The slum's were the first place i showed her, next was the base where new recruit's were given combat enhancing drug's and access to the defenceless and innocent's that they could do whatever they wanted to with, and boy did that get a reaction out of her.

The slum's were the first place i showed her, next was the base where new recruit's were given combat enhancing drug's and access to the defenceless and innocent's that they could do whatever they wanted to with, and boy did that get a reaction ou...

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Akame:"I-I worked with these people,'s?"

Tatsumi:"Sadly yes, you and the Elite Seven made it possible for this to happen, that's why you've become such a highly problematic target's. And that's why i want to get you all to defect to the revolutionary army it will help save thousand's if not million's of live's, and i'll be damned if this place run by a corrupted old peice of living shit and a stupid ass child, win. Now is this enough proof for you or do i need to go further."

Before Akame could respond i saw him walking by.

Tatsumi:"Hold that thought, follow me."

We snuck around and got to a hidden place in the slum's where we saw him again.

Tatsumi:"There's the sorry bastard,-

Tatsumi:"There's the sorry bastard,-

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Akame:"The minister's son? What's he doing here?"

We watched him grab a random homeless man, he yelled at him for a bit then started to beat him down until he was brused and bloody. Akame was horrifide by what she had seen, if the empire was this place of dream's why were it's people suffering and being torrmented by it's royal's?

Akame:"H-Have i really been fighting for the wrong side, has my whole life been built on a lie?"

She looked like she was having a full blown crisis, she now knew how horrible this empire was and the real enemy to it.

Tatsumi:"Now that you know how corrupted this place is,-

Tatsumi:"Now that you know how corrupted this place is,-

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-who has your loyalty?"

She looked at the ground and began to think about her answer before she spoke.

Akame:(If i betrey the empire, i'll become one of there target's. But if i stay i'm only helping to further the corruption and the suffering of it's people. Would the rest of the Seven join me in my defection, or would they want me dead for abandoning them? No, they have no place to tell me what i've seen, this entire empire need's to be torn appart and rebuilt from the ground up.):"This empire-

-Should be completely torn down and rebuilt, my loyalty is with the revolution

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-Should be completely torn down and rebuilt, my loyalty is with the revolution."


-Now let's set the rest of 'em straight

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-Now let's set the rest of 'em straight."

We went back to the Oarburgh base where Akame would tell them what she saw and what side she was on now. This is only the begining of the empire's destruction and the begining of Honest fall.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now