Ch 69 [Maid's of Lust]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

It was rather late at night when i felt someone getting on top of me, i shot up and was met with, Cassandra's gaze, she looked me dead in the eye's as if it was some kind of contest.

Tatsumi:"C-Cassandra, what the hell?"

Cassandra:"I didn't come alone."

I slightly glance to my left and saw, Gil laying in bed with me with a lustful smirk on her face, i barely looked in front of me and saw that, Cassandra was completely naked and i could assume, Gil was too. That's when it hit me what they wanted.

Tatsumi:"C-Couldn't th-this wait until morning, ya know?"

Gilberda:"No, it can't, won't you help us out hun?"

I didn't really see a way out of this so i decided i'd give them what they wanted.

Cassandra's P.O.V

It didn't take long to convince, Tatsumi to engage in this activity with the two of us, granted this wouldn't be my first time but it would be my first experience with a male, and that also goes for, Gil.

Cassandra:"D-Don't be too rough with me, okay?"

Even though i asked him a question i didn't give him much time to respond before i empailed myself with his member.

Cassandra:"Hahhh! S-Soo big, ahhhh hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh! I-It's even better than d-doing it with, M-Mera-Samahhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh!"

I don't know why i screamed it out loud but i was in a state of pure extacy and i didn't want it to stop, i put two of my arm's behind my head and put the other two on his chest and i could tell how jealous, Gil was of me.

Cassandra:"Ahhhh hahhhh ohhhhh y-yes yes hahhhh ahhhhhh f-fuck ahhhhhh hahhhhh! D-Don't stop hahhhhhh y-yes yes yes ahhhhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhhh!"

After a good while i felt that we were close to having our orgasm, i wanted to know how everything felt so i begged him for the one thing i knew he wouldn't give without begging for it.

Cassandra:"T-Tatsumi, c-cum inside me! Ahhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh!"

Cassandra+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHH!"

I guess the begging helped my case, i could feel his warm seed entering my womb and it was one of the most orgasmic feeling's i've ever felt, but now it's, Gil's turn.

Gilberda's P.O.V

After, Cass had her fill i wasted no time in possisioning myself over his member and sticking it inside me, i didn't want to wait any longer. Oh lord do i wish i was a little more patient, his member was a lot bigger than i thought.

Gilberda:"Ahhhhhh f-fuck hahhhhh ahhhh hahhhh ohhhhh y-yes yes hahhhhh! I-I'm sorry, M-Mera-Sama b-but this is so much better! Ahhhhh hahhhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhh ahhhhhh ohhhhhh!"

After a moment he leaned up and started sucking on my breast like he was trying to feed, it made me feel lile i was in heaven and i might as well have been.

Gilberda:"Ahhhhh ohhhhhh fuck y-yes m-more more fuck me more hahhhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhhh! T-Tatsumi-Sama! Ahhhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhhh yes yes yes ahhhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhhh fuck fuck d-don't stop hahhhhh ahhhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhhh!"

It amazed me that, Cassandra was somehow sleeping right next to us with me moaning like this, maybe she just like's listening to us doing this? I'll have to ask her in the morning. But right now, i'm enjoying my time with, Tatsumi-Sama.

Gilberda:"Ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh y-yes yes ahhhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhhh, T-Tatsumi-Sama, f-fill me with your seed! Ahhhhhh hahhhh ahhhh hahhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhhh y-yes yes f-fuck yes ahhhhhh hahhhhh!"

Gilberda+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

I-I got what i wanted, he came inside me and it was soo euphoric i felt like i was set free from being inprisoned for over ten year's. After i collapsed next to him i cuddled up to him and all three off us fell asleep having enjoyed every last second of our night together.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|The iorny that a Lemon landed on chapter 69, couldn't have happened at any better of a time if i do say so myself.|

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