Ch 73 [Healing]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I had been carrying, Bro back to base in hope's that we could reverse the effect's of the poison before it killed him, but luckly a very familiar face showed up and had the skill to help out.

Sayo:"Tatsumi!? What happened to this poor guy!?"

Tatsumi:"Poisoned, can you help us?"

Sayo:"Yeah, get him inside and on that table."

I dragged him inside the house and laid him on the table, before i could ask her anything she started asking me a bunch more question's that would help save, Bro's life.

Sayo:"How long ago was he poisoned and what kind of poison is it? Quickly."

Tatsumi:"A little less than an hour ago, and all i know is the poison he used was a clear liquid."

Sayo:"Sound's like Glychal, i'm amazed he's alive right now if that's the case."

Tatsumi:"What do we do?"

Sayo:"Hand me that syringe full of red liquid, and leave me to my work."

I handed her the syringe and then walked outside the house, hoping she knew enough about this "Glychal" to cure it or even make some sort of antidote to this poison.

Tatsumi:(You'll make it, Bro. I know you will, i'm not letting you die on my watch. I already failed, Guy, and Kouga i can't fail you to or i have no place to call myself anything other than a failure.)

I was tapping my foot impatiently waiting for any news on if, Bro was okay and if he was gonna make it or not but after a little over an hour, Sayo came out of the house with a look of triumph on her face.

Tatsumi:"Is he okay!?"


-Of course, you've only got the master of poison's and antidote's working on the case

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-Of course, you've only got the master of poison's and antidote's working on the case. He'll be fine, but his back is actually broken, i found that out while working on curing that poison. You're lucky too, that Glychal stuff is a fast acting poison."

Tatsumi:"Hm, do you happen to have a wheelchair we could borrow?"

Sayo:"Sorry, i don't. But i can help you get him back to your base if you want."

Tatsumi:"I'm not sure, he's built like a tank after all."

Sayo:"*Mocking Laughter* I'm a lot stronger than i look, beside's. It's getting kinda lonely out here completly isolated from anyone else. And i'm already working on the Revolution's side, so why not get up close and get them some of the quickest poison's to use on there enemies?"

 And i'm already working on the Revolution's side, so why not get up close and get them some of the quickest poison's to use on there enemies?"

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Tatsumi:"Huh, you would make a good addition to the team, and i wouldn't mind seeing you a little more often."

Sayo:"*Giggle* Enough with the flattery already, let's get him back to your base and get him proper treatment for his back."

We both went inside to help, Bro to his feet and walk him back to the base.

Sayo:"Easy buddy, your operating on a broken back so take baby step's if you need, we have all the time in the world."

Bulat:"I-I owe you both my life, if you two hadn't acted i'd be dead right now."

Tatsumi:"Don't stress it, Bro. It's just what we do, after all, you never leave a man behind."

Bulat:"Heh, i guess even assassin's have some level of honor to them."

It didn't take us too long to get back to the base where he was taken to his bedroom and waited for the doctor to arrived for treatment.

Mine:"Oh great, another newbie."

When, Sayo heard that she glanced over at, Mine and gave her a closed eye smirk, something she was infamous for in our old village. If she gave someone that smirk it ment something bad was gonna happen really soon.

Sayo:"Anyway, i'll just go have a talk with your Boss so i can become an offical member of Night Raid."

Najenda:"Won't have to look far."


Najenda:"Scared you?"


After i got, Sayo off of me, her and Boss had a talk to make her an offical member of Night Raid. Hopefully, Bro will make a full recovery and be able to use, Incursio again because i'm not sure i'll be talented enough to use it. But maybe i'll get a Teigu of my own one day, i'll just leave that up for fate to decide.

Tatsumi:(I truely am blessed to have friend's like these, with them i feel like i'm actually home.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What do you think Akame ga Kill! Would have been like if, Tatsumi had a Death Note?|

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