Ch 106 [Pink Love]

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[Art is not mine]

Mine's P.O.V

After we killed, Stylish we got back to base where i went back to bed for around an hour or two before being "Woken Up" by something shifting around in my bed.

Mine:"Ugh, what the hell?"

I turned to my left and saw, Tatsumi asleep next to me.


I was very freaked out, why was he in my bed? And more importantly, where the hell are we? We aren't in the base i can tell you that much. I got out of bed and looked around and didn't recognize anything here, and we were mile's away from the capital as well.

Mine:"Where the hell am i? Where is everybody?"

Tatsumi:"You're home, my darling."

A sudden chill ran up and down my spine like i was submerged in below freezing water in the middle of winter, he wrapped his hand's around my waist and started kissing my neck, but before anything else happened i finally woke up for real this time.


I wasn't sure how to feel about that dream and i suddenly don't wanna go back to sleep now, so i got dressed and went out to the yard only to see, Tatsumi there doing pushup's.

I wasn't sure how to feel about that dream and i suddenly don't wanna go back to sleep now, so i got dressed and went out to the yard only to see, Tatsumi there doing pushup's

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Tatsumi:"Seventy Five. Seventy Six."

Mine:(Damnit, why does god plan these kinda thing's for me? Or is this just the world trying to fuck with me? I'd better get back inside before he notice's me staring at him

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Mine:(Damnit, why does god plan these kinda thing's for me? Or is this just the world trying to fuck with me? I'd better get back inside before he notice's me staring at him.)

Tatsumi:"Eighty! Oh, hello, Mine. How long have you been here?"

Mine:(Fuck.):"J-Just got here, what's it any of your business anyway?"

Tatsumi:"I never see you out here so i thought there may have been something wrong."

Mine:"Well nothing's wrong and you should stop assuming that there is when i come out here."

Tatsumi:"Okay, i'll keep it in mind."

He went back to doing his pushup's while i found it harder to look away then i thought. Ugh, even though i thought these weird feeling's would go away eventually it's clear they're not, i have to tell him how i feel.

Mine:"Hey, i actually did come out here to talk with you about something."

Tatsumi:"Well, fire away."

Mine:(Okay, it can't be too hard to say it, right? I mean the other's didn't have any trouble with it, did they? It can't be as tough as those book's make it out to be right?):"T-Tatsumi, i-i-i.":(Oh for god sake's, i can bearly talk now! C'mon, you can do it!):"I think i like you."

Tatsumi:"Oh, so you have grown to respect me?"

Mine:(I'm crushing on an incredibly dence but cute idiot. Let's try that again.):"I mean i really like you."

Tatsumi:"So you see us as friend's now?"

Mine:(Of for fuck sake's! You can't be this dence!):"I mean that i really really like you, dummy."

Tatsumi:"*Laughter* I understood what you ment the first time, Mine. I was just playing around with you."

Mine:"You big dummy! I won't forgive you for that, unless you do one thing."

Tatsumi:"And that one thing would be?"


Finally, at least he wasn't really as dence as i thought he was

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Finally, at least he wasn't really as dence as i thought he was.


Mine:"For now. Just don't do that again."

Tatsumi:"I'll try."

I went back into the base for a while until the boss called everyone in for a quick meeting, it wasn't anything major thankfully and i wouldn't be leaving the base either so i could do just about whatever i wanted for now, but that didn't mean i wasn't worried for the team member's going on this mission either.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|After this story i'm gonna be doing something not themed after Akame ga Kill. I won't stop making AgK stories but i'll be making something other than just AgK. I've been kinda hooked on the Danganronpa anime but i wanted to make a story themed around that after this one. That's all, i'll see ya later, adios.|

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now