Ch 63 [Those Three Word's]

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[Art is not mine]

Cassandra's P.O.V

It was early in the morning and everyone was woken up by, Akame, and the Boss looking for, Tatsumi. He must have left the base early in the morning before anyone woke up, but i found myself more worried then i normally am when someone leave's the base, could he be in danger? My fear's were put to rest when he walked back through the door but he was carring a girl around.

Mine:"Are you serious!? Just because you probably slept with her that doesn't mean she can stay here!"

Tatsumi:"Zip it, if you couldn't tell this is, Chouri's daughter, Spear. I've been tasked with taking her here so she can be protected incase anyone else make's an attempt on his life."

Mine:"Likely story,-

-I wouldn't expect any more out of you to be honest

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-I wouldn't expect any more out of you to be honest."

Tatsumi:"Oh you are begging for a beat down."

Cassandra:"Aren't you gonna step in, Leone?"

Leone:"Meh, they'll hash it out and it'll all be fine afterward's."

The two of them kept throwing insult's back and forth, so before it escilated to much i stepped in to stop them. I didn't pin blame but i made note that they had to stop, thankfully they did and nothing escilated to a full fledged fist fight.

Tatsumi set, Spear down and went to his room likely to catch up on some sleep or maybe read a book, i was a little angry at, Mine for starting an argument even though it was minor but i was especally angry that it was this early in the morning. I didn't reprimand her but i gave her a quick glare, afterward's i went to, Tatsumi's room to check on him but when i opened the door he was fast asleep, he must have left late last night in order to get there before, Lady Spear and he father were harmed.


-Would he mind? I hope he doesn't get upset.)

I climbed into his bed and rested my head against his chest, i was gonna try and mimic what we did a couple day's ago when we both took a "Quick" nap. When i did lay my head on his chest his eye's opened to meet mine.

Cassandra:"O-Oh, a-am i bothering you?"

Tatsumi:"No, it's fine. Just surprised me a little."

Cassandra:"I hope you don't mind me being so close, i might have gotten a little carried away."

Tatsumi:"It's okay, Cass. Like i told you before, i'm always here for you."

I lightly smiled as i huddled up to him so i could fall asleep to his heartbeat, but i felt something in my chest as if it's something i can only tell him, something only he'll understand.


Tatsumi:"Yes, Cassandra?"

Cassandra:(This is your chance, Cassandra. Tell him!):"I-I love you, with all of my heart."

He froze for a solid minute before he started carressing my hair and pulled me closer, he looked me in the eye's before he spoke to me but his answer made my heart flutter like a butterfly.

Tatsumi:"I'd by lying if i said i didn't return your feeling's, if you believe that i will be the one that'll make you happy then i'll gladly accept that honor."

Cassandra:"Tatsumi, i-Mph!"

Before i could speak he pressed his lip's against mine, granted, Mera-Sama has kissed me before but they've never been so good. Without a doubt i'll be addicted to his kisses if i'm not carful but if i did become addicted to his lip's i wouldn't mind it at all.

Leone's P.O.V

Leone:(Ohh lala, he managed to seduce a member of the Oarburgh clan? He's quite the catch, isn't he?-

-Meh, confusing time's. Cat's and Dog's living together, mass hesterya. You get the drift.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|For anyone who got the reference, good on you|

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