Ch 92 [Fiery Lover]

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[Art is not mine]

Gin's P.O.V

Ugh, why does he have to be so dence!? I've been flirting with him for month's and yet he hasn't caught on to the fact that i like him! Hell, i even tried seducing him in the hot spring's three different time's and he still hasn't gotten it, how dence does one person have to be to not understand that!? What does he think "Will you be my first?" Mean!? I'm trying to show, Natala that i really like him and i want to be with him but he's just not getting it.

Gin:(Why is it so hard to just tell him? Maybe i'm worried he'll reject me and find some other girl. Hell, me and, Leone have gotten into cat fight's because of her teasing him the way she does. Just have to get some gut's and tell him right off, okay, Gin you got this.):"Okay, i got this."

I looked in the mirror and started hyping myself up while tying up hair in a ponytail.

Gin:"You got this, you're the hottest chick here and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, most of them are taken by that, Tatsumi guy so you don't have many rival's, maybe one or two but other than that you're good as gold

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Gin:"You got this, you're the hottest chick here and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, most of them are taken by that, Tatsumi guy so you don't have many rival's, maybe one or two but other than that you're good as gold."

I left my room and saw, Natala taking care of the three girl's that were taken in by Night Raid. I can already tell he'll be a good dad when we have kid's of our own.

 I can already tell he'll be a good dad when we have kid's of our own

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Natala:"Good morning, Gin."

Gin:"M-Morning to you too, Natala. Hey, where's, Tatsumi, and Mine? Weren't they supposed to be back last night?"

Natala:"They probably took a pit stop to rest for the night before returning to the base."

Gin:"Yeah, make's sense. Hey, i wanted to ask you something, but it has to be in private, okay?"

Natala:"Sure. I'll be right back, you three behave."

Air:"Okay, uncle, Natala."

Fal:"Alright, uncle."


I grabbed, Natala's hand and lead him to my room. Just have to breathe, and tell him how you feel.

Gin:"Okay, Natala i've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, but. I-I really like you alot a-and i really want to be your girlfriend. I've liked you ever since we first met and i've always wanted to be your girlfriend, s-so, d-do you think w-we could be together?":(Damnit, i just blew it all sky high!)

Little did i know he had something he wanted to say himself, i closed my eye's and clenched my fist prepared for rejection but i was very surprised at what he had to say.

Natala:"That's kinda ironic, because i was actually just getting ready to say the same thing to you, Gin. I've been hyping myself up this past couple week's just to give myself the courage to tell you how i feel, but i always kinda knocked myself down because of how worried i was that you'd reject me. Out of all of the people here, you're the most beautiful one here and if anything i'm kinda sub-par at best."

My face started heating up, the look in his eye's was genuin he truely had feeling's for me.

Gin:"*Giggle* You might be a little dence af time's but that doesn't make you a bad guy, c'mer."

I gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, now i guess we're a couple. It's different from what i've read about but it's better than i thought as well.

Night Raid:(Fucking finally!)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Just wanted to update you on this. I'm gonna be taking a break for a little while, i'll either be back thursday or friday. I'm just not feeling a lot of motivation to write right now and i want to be at my fullest so i can make good chapter's to each story for y'all. Anyway, i'll see y'all then, adios.|

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