Ch 56 [New Leader]

682 14 1

[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Me, and Cassandra woke up from our nap when we were told that, Suzaku had returned with the leader of Night Raid. The two of us got up and went to the main room where we would be meeting them, oh boy was i nervous.

Suzaku:"Now, introduce yourselves to our newest aliy,-

Suzaku:"Now, introduce yourselves to our newest aliy,-

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-Ex-General Najenda."

Najenda:"Good afternoon, i've heard you lot are pretty good at what you do."

Gin:"Damn right we are, we're the best in the business."

Najenda:"You've got quite a fire in you, i like that."

This, Najenda seem's to be a good leader already. I mean you don't really need to be that good to be a better leader than, Suzaku but i rest my case.

Kurome:"So we'll be working under you from now on?"

Najenda:"That's up to you, you can stay here under the lead of, Suzaku if you'd like but you are more than welcome to join us."

Suzaku:"Correct, as leader's we believe you should have a choice who you work under. Isn't that right, Najenda."

Najenda:"You aren't even a decent leader, you hid up in the mountan's for several month's before you came back

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Najenda:"You aren't even a decent leader, you hid up in the mountan's for several month's before you came back. Don't even try to make yourself look good after that stunt."

Everyone froze in place and tried not to laugh, she just put, Suzaku in his place without even trying.

Merraid:"As expected, a woman would lead better than most men even could."

Najenda:"Shut it, you and i both know even he is a better leader than you."


Najenda:"Beside's, i've been mistaken for a man more time's then i'd like to admit too."

Cornelia:"I'm so sorry for that."

Najenda:"Why? You haven't even said a thing about me looking like a guy so far, don't be sorry. Beside's, it make's it all the tougher for the empire to make accurate wanted poster's with that factor."

Tsukushi:"I don't mean to be rude, but is it just me or do you and, Natala-Kun look very similar."

Najenda:"And i thought i was the only one that noticed that one, we kinda do. Just turn his hair white and his eye's purple and he'd look like he'd be my son."

We all really liked, Najenda. She was genuenly like a friend more than a revolutionary leader, we also liked it when she called out, Suzaku for being a wimp.

Suzaku:"Moving on, we have a group choice to make. Some of us will be joining Night Raid and some if us will stay here as the Retributionary group."

Najenda:"You do know my base is large enough to fit at least four time's as many people than this group. Or are you just saying that so you can stay a leader of somethint other than your mountan?"

Suzaku:"It is a serious decicion. *Muttering* And i'm started to regret beinging you here."

Najenda:"I heard that."

Natala:"Hey, let's take a step back. Let's not make this into a fight between leader's, i'm sure you're both more than qualifide to be leader's and are both very confident in your skill to lead, let's just bury the hachet now before this escilate's."

The two of them stopped bickering and we all made the decision to join Night Raid, Najenda seem's to be a very skilled and inteligent leader so we'll be working under her from here on out.

Najenda:"Good choice,-

-Now let's get going, the base isn't far from here

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-Now let's get going, the base isn't far from here."

We all followed her out of the Retributionary group's base and started toward's Night Raid's base.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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