Ch 55 [Curiousity Satisfied]

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[Art is not mine]

Cassandra's P.O.V

After speaking with, Lady Chelsea about how it felt to be with a male i decided to ask, Sir Tatsumi about how it was growing up how he did. Even though not a lot of people know, i can be rather curious when i want to learn about something and sometime's that get's me in trouble. I knocked on his bedroom door and waited for a moment, he didn't take long to answer the door and he let me in without questioning.

Tatsumi:"Hey, Cassandra. How are you?"

Cassandra:"I'm good, i wanted to ask you some question's if you are comfortable with answering them."

Tatsumi:"Sure, lay 'em on me."

Cassandra:"How was it growing up, half Danger Beast?"

He at first didn't answer but after a second he did respond.

Tatsumi:"Well, i never really told anyone i was half Danger Beast. Up until i was maybe five or so i kept it a secret, but when i did almost all tge kid's in my village didn't want anything to do with me. There was only one kid who ever really wanted to be around me and i only just now got to see her again, so i didn't have many friend's."

Hearing that kinda upset me, even when i was a kid i had a few close friend's who didn't make fun of me because i had four arm's. But he only had one close friend that he didn't get to see often.

Tatsumi:"But i guess it kinda paid off to have this blood corsing through my vein's."

Cassandra:"How's that?"

Tatsumi:"Well i heal a lot faster for one, i just now found out that i can turn invisible so i guess that's some sort of optical camouflage, Hell. Even some other Danger Beast think i'm one of them."

Cassandra:"Intresting, not even the Four Rakshasa Demon's have that advantage. That could play out very well for you in combat."

Tatsumi:"Yeah, i guess. I can assume you didn't have it easy growing up either?"

Cassandra:"Not really, i only had a couple close friend's but other kid's bullied me for having four arm's. A couple year's into my childhood my parents sold to a circus with, Gil, we kinda started to lean on each other a lot durring that time as we got the worst of the training, we sliped up once even just a little bit we got whiped like we were slave's. But the circus is where i found my love for children, the smile's on there face's when i came out always made the day worth it in the end."

After explaining my past he looked like he felt a little upset by it, granted it wasn't an easy childhood but there's no changing the past. We sat there in silence for a moment before he wraped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him, he grabbed me and held me in a tight warm hug that i wasn't opposed to, i for one like hug's.

Cassandra:"Your heartbeat, it's so relaxing."

Tatsumi:"Anytime you need to talk to someone just remember, i'm always here

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Tatsumi:"Anytime you need to talk to someone just remember, i'm always here."

Cassandra:"I'll remember that, Sir Tatsumi."

Tatsumi:"Please, just call me, Tatsumi. No need for formalities."

Cassandra:"O-Okay, can we stay like this for a little while longer?"

Tatsumi:"As long as you want, Cass."

We both laid there, with me resting my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat for about two hour's. Mainly because i actually fell asleep listening to his heart beating. I felt a little bad at first but that guilt went away when he told me that he fell asleep to. Maybe we'll make naptime a habit?

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|And that's another chapter|

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now