Ch 60 [One shot One kill]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After bumping into, Akame and getting that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach i was called over by the boss, they had me and, Akame's first actual mission ready for us. I was tasked with killing the head of the imperial police force, Ogre. He was infamous for taking bribe's and letting smuggler's into the city he even let them get away with crime's as long as he got some money out of it.

Najenda:"Can i rely on you two to complete this mission?"

Tatsumi+Akame:"Yes Boss!"

Najenda:"Good, be sure not to be caught."

Tatsumi+Akame:"Roger that, Boss."

The both of us left the base as quickly as we could to persue our target's, we were gonna be sure not to be seen out in public so we wouldn't be caught.

Najenda:"Leone, Bulat. You two keep an eye on them."

Leone+Bulat:"Roger that, Boss."

I left for the capital to hunt down my target, i had to make sure not to be seen with him so i threw on a cloak to keep my face and body hidden from public view. After a second or two i saw him completely alone so i took the chance.

Tatsumi:"Mister, Ogre. Thank you for keeping the street's safer for people to walk."

Ogre:"You're welcome."

Tatsumi:"I'd like to speak with you in complete priviacy, if you're okay with it."

I lead him into a dark place while no one was there, i acted like a poor kid who needed money to save his village  he turned his back on me and started walking away.

Ogre:"I guess you're just not good enough!":(I-

-I can't believe he'd dare raise his blade to me

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-I can't believe he'd dare raise his blade to me.)

Tatsumi:"Don't even try to play dead, freak

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Tatsumi:"Don't even try to play dead, freak. I know better than that!"

I swung my sword upward's and blocked his attempted counter attack.

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now