Ch 12 [Oarburgh's Plan's]

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[Art is not mine]

Taeko's P.O.V

After waking up early in the morning me and Babara headed to a hotel where Mera was waiting for us, i was going to tell Babara that i located the Murasama we were looking for so it didn't have to wait.

Taeko:"Babara, i believe i located the Murasama last night."

Babara:"Oh? And where might it be?"

Taeko:"It is in the possession of a boy around my age, maybe younger. But i didn't have the chance to get it from him."

Babara:"Well now we know where it is, soon that blade will be in our hand's."

It didn't take long for us to get to the hotel where Mera was waiting for us, i wasn't sure how she'd react to the sword being in a boy's possession but if i was tasked with assassinating him to get the sword i would carry it out to completion.


-Look's like you're earlier then i thought

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-Look's like you're earlier then i thought. What news do you bring?"

Babara:"As expected-

-Taeko located Murasama and know's who has it

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-Taeko located Murasama and know's who has it."

Merraid:"I would like to know."

Taeko:"A boy around my age, possibly younger, has the sword. I believe it is the one we are looking for due to the symbol's engraved into the blade itself."

Merraid:"Hmm. How many symbol's were there?"

Taeko:"Seven on the blade itself, as well as four more on the grip and one under and on top of the guard."

Merraid:"Good job, Taeko. Now do you have a description of it's user?"

Taeko:"Indeed. He has brown hair and appear's to have heterochromia as one of his eye's are green while the other is red, he's five foot five inches maybe an inch or two taller. He also has a light skin tone and a fairly muscular build."


-So we can't get the sword regardless

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-So we can't get the sword regardless."

Babara:"What are you blabering about now?"

Taeko:"Why is that?"

Merraid:"The boy who hold's it is none other than Tatsumi, the son of it's original holder. So long as there is a blood relitive of that sword's creator it is next to useless to us."

Babara:"You could have told us that before you wasted our time. And i'm getting old."


-What's so special about that sword that we require it for our mission?"

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-What's so special about that sword that we require it for our mission?"

Merraid:"I'm glad you asked. Murasama was made to be the weapon that could end any life and destroy any weapon known to humanity, even titanium."

Me and Babara were shocked at the statement made by Mera, titanium is quite tough and Murasama can cut through it? That blade is even more dangerous than i thought.

Taeko:"And why is it useless in our hand's?"

Merraid:"The original creator put an enchantment on the sword that prevent's it from being usable in another person's hand's who isn't of his blood."

Babara:"So there goes that idea out the window, we're not getting that sword unless someone here just so happen's to be relaited to that kid."

Merraid:"Taeko. Tonight, find that boy and challenge him to a duel and analize how he fight's. Make sure to make use of all of your abilities and don't let him wound you."

Taeko:"Understood Mera, i will see to it."

Tonight i would be tasked to have a duel with that boy and analizing his fighting style, i haven't seen him fight before so this will be something to take seriously, for all i know he could be the strongest foe i've ever faced. But that will be put to the test tonight.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later peace]

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