Ch 38 [Who is She?]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

It was late at night and everyone was sound asleep, Gozuki hasn't returned yet and the Four Rakshasa Demon's are still with him. Unlike everyone else i couldn't sleep at all, i was constantly being woke up after some weird dream where that woman in the black cloak was constantly repeating for me to wake up. I had eventually given up on trying to sleep and got out of my bed then went to my desk.

Tatsumi:(What the hell, why do i keep having that same dream? Who even is that woman?)

I grabbed the amulet that she gave to me before disappearing.

I grabbed the amulet that she gave to me before disappearing

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Tatsumi:(Why does this seem so familiar?)

I turned it around and saw my name was carved into the back of it, now i knew something was up. After seeing my name carved in the back of that amulet i looked out my bedroom window and saw that woman standing just outside.

 After seeing my name carved in the back of that amulet i looked out my bedroom window and saw that woman standing just outside

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Tatsumi:"The hell?"

She gestured for me to follow her so i grabbed my Murasama and snuck through my bedroom window then began to chase after her.

Tatsumi:"Get back here!"

I kept even pace with her and even started to catch up with her, that was until we ended up in a destroyed village and god know's how familiar it is to me.

I kept even pace with her and even started to catch up with her, that was until we ended up in a destroyed village and god know's how familiar it is to me

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I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now