Ch 41 [Truth of the Empire: PT.1]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

The mission was mostly successful, the Elite Seven had all been taken to the Oarburgh clan's base and will be told every little detail about this empire and it's people. But two member's of the Oarburgh clan were killed, Babara and Daniel both were killed by Gozuki himself. They will be avenged but there's something else we have to focus on first, the Elite Seven need to be told the truth of this cause they've been fighting for.

Tatsumi:"Hey, it's time to wake up."

I gentely shook Akame around to wake her up, she woke up surprisingly calm especally when she looked me in the eye's knowing full well i was the one who kidnapped her, hell. It was like she was kinda.....happy that i was the one to kidnap her and the rest of them.

Akame:"Oh, it's only you, Tatsumi. Nice to see you."

Tatsumi:"Do you have any idea why i brought you here?"

Akame:"*Yandere Giggle*-

-I know that you wouldn't have brought me here without a good reason, beside's

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-I know that you wouldn't have brought me here without a good reason, beside's. If i was really a hostage, why aren't my arm's chained to the wall?"

She had a point there, if she really wanted to she could stand up and leave right now. Which beg's the question, why isn't she trying to escape or even fight back?

Akame:"So, why did you bring us all here?"

Tatsumi:"To open your eye's to the truth of this damned empire, it's corruption goes far deeper than you think."

Akame just sat there with a rather calm and even stoic look on her face, was she seriously completely unbothered by the fact that i just kidnapped her, it was almost like she fully expected for me to do this. But as i continued to tell her about the deep rooted corruption in the capital her face turned into one of shock.

Akame:"So.....the minister is the source of all of the cizilian's suffering? That's why you brought us here?"


Akame:"I can assume you have proof of an allegation of that magnitude? These are very serious if they're true."

Tatsumi:"Then stand up, i'll show you in person."

I stood up and offered Akame my hand to help her up, she clung to my arm like a rich man's wife would and i was preparing to leave with her before Kurome had woken up.

Kurome:"Sis, a-are you a....traitor?"

Akame:"No, but if these allegation's that've been brought up are true we'll have to fight against the very empire we swore to defend."

Kurome suddenly got a very upset look on her face.

Kurome suddenly got a very upset look on her face

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Kurome:"They're gonna kill me, aren't they?"

Tatsumi:"Not on my fucking watch they aren't, if they do it's there neck's on the line."

As i said that, Merraid came into the room.

Tatsumi:"Perfect timing. Listen up, tell every member of this group that if they lay a finger on them i'll kill them myself, i'm not joking."

Merraid:"Understood, i will insure that not a hair on there head's will be harmed."


I looked back at the other member's of the Elite Seven and gave them a serious look.

I looked back at the other member's of the Elite Seven and gave them a serious look

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Tatsumi:"I'll be back, if they harm you tell me and i'll have there head."

Me and Akame left the Oarburgh clan's base so that i could show her how corrupted this empire really was, i don't think she was prepared for what she was about to see.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Yee haw, back in action|

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