Ch 61 [Kill the Killer]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After arriving back at base from my first actual mission i was made to get a little sleep because i stood out all night but after i woke up there was another mission, a serial killer was going around the capital murdering innocent people for the most part some of them were guard's but all the blame was being put on Night Raid.

Mine:"When i find that asshole i'm gonna blow his brain's out."

Najenda:"I know you want to, Mine but we'll have to be carful. This psycho managed to get his hand's on a Teigu, and our people say that this killer might be the past executioner for the empire's prison, Zanku."

Mashiro:"Didn't he fall into crippling alcoholism and steal the warrden's Teigu, Spectator? I thought he would have been arrested for stealling something like that."

Cornelia:"With how corrupted this empire is it doesn't surprise me."

Cassandra:"We can expect he will be a challenge, especally with something like that."

Gilberda:"Being honest about it, i could beat him in a single punch. So just send me out into the field, boss."

Merraid:"Gil, you can't be so cocky. Spectator is a rather powerful Teigu."

Najenda:"And it's abilities are just as horrifing as his murder's, mind reading, muscle prediction, illusion's all that is a five star recipe for one big pain in the ass. But regardless, we've been task with eliminating him and we shall."

We were all tasked with patroling a certant area of the capital to keep a lookout for him, if we found him we'd kill him as quickly as possible. Me and Akame were paired up and we found a good spot to keep an eye out for, Zanku.

Tatsumi:"From what the source's say he's wearing a greyish trench coat and ear muffs, so if you see that let me know and we'll attack him together."

Akame:"Good, even if he can read mind's we out match him with our skill in combat. He's not use to a target fighting back, you can tell by his victim's."

We both sat down and kept an eye out for him but there was one single problem, that guy didn't show himself and we were sitting there for over an hour and a half.

Tatsumi:"He isn't gonna show himself easily, is he?"

Akame:"I suspected as much, being a serial killer he wouldn't want to show himself in public when there are people around."

Tatsumi:"Make's sence to me, i'll be back."

I put my drink down and was headed to an alleyway to....releave myself but somehow, Akame knew what i needed to do.

Akame:"Nature calling?"

Tatsumi:"Guh? I-I'll just be back in a minute."


I went into the alley to take a leak but after i finished i saw someone walking down the alley across from me, they turned to look at me then ran off. That had to be, Zanku so i persued him as quickly as possible. Eventually i was in an old arena where that person was standing.

Tatsumi:"How 'bout you drop the act old man, i know who you are."

????:"Instead of "Old Man" call me,-

????:"Instead of "Old Man" call me,-

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