Let's talk

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I'm gonna ask you guy's something really quickly.

I'm debating on leaving the My Hero Academia fandom for a couple reason's. The big one is how toxic a large portion of the fan's are and it really make's me feel uncomfortable with how they act. Granted, not all of the fan's are like that but a good portion of them are.

The second reason is because of how hateful people can be when you don't agree with their opinion or their favorite ship. I haven't been on either end's of this but i've seen people on twitter and other media get harrassed for not liking certant ship's or character's.

The third reason is because some of the fandom have sent death threat's to the author of the original manga, that is the part that make's me feel most uncomfortable with being part of this fandom. And again not all of them do that but it only really take's one or two bad apple's to spoil the whole bunch.

All in all the whole fandom isn't bad, but a good portion is pretty bad and it's almost impossible to avoid it anymore, and i can't even share my opinion's about certant character's or certant event's without thinking i'm gonna get harrassed because of it.

So should i just up and leave the fandom, or give it another chance? I'm on the side of just leaving it but maybe it'll get better later on, i don't know at this point and if there is any better part's in this fandom i haven't really seen it.

But let me know your opinion about it, and i'd like to repeat i haven't been harrassed myself but the thought is always in the back of my head. Anyway i'll see y'all later, adios.

[Please don't go harrassing other people because of the way they act at time's, it only make's you look just as bad if you go harrassing them.]

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