Ch 132 [Kill the Minister]

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[Art is not mine]

Leone's P.O.V

After watching the supreme Teigu fall, i started my hunt for the minister. I knew that if he got away he'd just cause more pain to more innocent people, he had to die. I got into the catacomb's of the now destroyed castle in my hunt for him, i could hear his footstep's deeper into the catacomb's and gave chase. He might have been somewhat "Fit" by his own belief's but i was quickly catching up to him.

Leone:(You can run, but you can't hide, fatass. I've got you cornered.)

He might think he destroyed my Teigu, but i've got a trick up my sleeve's. Or should i say, Fur? Anyway, i had him in my sight's and threw a hardened punch that sent him to the ground.

Honest:"Y-You! B-But i killed you, you little bitch!"


-You're not all that bright, are you? I've got a trump card that allow's me to fuse with Lionel, that and i heal faster than most Teigu user's

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-You're not all that bright, are you? I've got a trump card that allow's me to fuse with Lionel, that and i heal faster than most Teigu user's. Dumbass."

Honest:"N-No matter, for defying me you get the death penalty!"

He pulled a handgun out of his coat and aimed at me, but before he could even fire, i felt a quick gust of wind go straight passed me and go right for the minister.

Leone:(What the?)

Leone:(What the?)

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The blonde guy slashed into, Honest leg's taking them clean off, leaving him wide open. I punched through his stomach and snapped his spine, preventing him from using his own body.

Honest:"Wh-What's happening? Y-You can't do this to me!"

Leone:"I can, and i will. Fat bastard."



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-It's all over. The Revolution was successful and the minister is going to be executed."

Leone:"Who are you anyway?"

Najasho:"I am, Najasho. I was a previous teammate of, Tatsumi, Akame, Corey, and many more of your own allies."

????:"Finally caught up with you, my darling."

Najasho:"I apollogise my dear, Miyuki. I was a little excided."

Miyuki:"That is alright, darling."

Leone:(A white haired kitsune, damn. Kid's got luck.):"Careful 'bout her kid, kitsune are maneater's."

He chopped the top of my head with his hand and quietly walked away.

Leone:"Oh well, have a good rest of your day, i guess. And as for you, Prime Minister Honest, are going to your execution."

I grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him back outside where i handed him to the army.


-I believe this is the asshole you're lookin' for

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-I believe this is the asshole you're lookin' for."

Najenda:"Good job, Leone."

Honest:"Wh-What are you going to do to me?"

Najenda:"*Chuckle* We're gonna make you suffer. And it's gonna be slow and painful."

Bulat, and Suu dragged, Honest to a table where the entire country would get to take a nice cut out of the minister's fatass. Oh dear lord was it sadisfing to hear his scream's of pain.

Honest:"Gyahhhhh, that fucking hurt's! Stop it! Stop it! Gahhhhh!"

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Honest:"Gyahhhhh, that fucking hurt's! Stop it! Stop it! Gahhhhh!"

Heh, hell we even let, Air, Fal, and Luna get a good cut out of him. Air went for one of his eye's. Fal cut his liver out. And, Luna cut out his teeth. I think they were sadisfied with the part's they cut out of him. It took three day's of none stop torture for him to finally die, but that ment more torture for him to suffer through. What a hell of a time.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What if, Akame was a gaming streamer? I think it would go along with the highschool AU. At school she's just an avarage girl, but at home she's one of the biggest gaming streamer's around. But what do you think? Let me know.|

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