Ch 124 [Kill the Leader]

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[Art is not mine]

Lubbock's P.O.V

Myself, Sayo, and Chelsea have been sent on a mission to kill the leader of Wild Hunt, Syura. I was excided to finish this mission and get back to the base, 'cause that mean's we're one step closer to defeating the empire and being victorious. Chelsea was currently disguised as a bird and was hanging out on my shoulder, i was teasing her by saying thing's like "Chelsea want a cracker?", she wasn't happy about it, believe me.

Sayo:"So, i hang back and you keep him distracted?"

Lubbock:"Yup, that's about it."

Sayo:"And, Chelsea being a bird help's out plan, how?"

Lubbock:"Oh, it doesn't. I just wanted to mess with her."


She turned back to a person and refused to adress me as even being there because of me teasing her, eventually we did find, Syura and he was being all cocky and shit like that.

She turned back to a person and refused to adress me as even being there because of me teasing her, eventually we did find, Syura and he was being all cocky and shit like that

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Syura:"Hah, look's like my plan's have fallen into place."

Lubbock:"Your plan for us to come after you first? Nah, 'cause by this time, your entire team is already dead. And you'll be joining them shortly."

Sayo:"Alright, plan into action?"

Chelsea:"Yeah, let's go."

Syura:"Heh, come here and face me like a man!"

Before he could even get up, Sayo shot him in the shoulder with an arrow. He now had a slight idea of our plan, but he still didn't know what we had planned for him.

Syura:"What're you holdin' back for? Scared?"

Lubbock:"Nah, i just want this fight to last a bit longer. After all, i've gotta enjoy finishing you don't i? And remember, i'm not the only one here."

Chelsea got behind him and stabbed him through the back with a rapier, when she ripped it out of his back his blood splattered everywhere.

Chelsea got behind him and stabbed him through the back with a rapier, when she ripped it out of his back his blood splattered everywhere

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Chelsea:"Hm, surprise. Loser."

Syura:"Loser!? I'll kill you for that, you filthy bitch!"

When he got back up, Sayo hit him with another arrow, this one was laced with a special poison that would slowly and painfully cause his muscle's to tence up and stiffen. I heard it was agonizing to move when you've been injected with that poison.

Syura:"Grh, son of a bitch that hurt's. No matter, i'll kill you next chance i get!"

He attempted to use his Teigu to escape, but i'm not letting that happen. I used Cross Tail's trump card Realm Cutting Thread to grab ahold of him and bring him back to the field.

 I used Cross Tail's trump card Realm Cutting Thread to grab ahold of him and bring him back to the field

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Lubbock:"You're not getting away from us, you die here."

When i dragged him back, Sayo, and Chelsea grabbed more of those poisoned arrow's and stabbed him with them. The amount of poison going through his body must've been painful and i was taking a little pitty on him.

Syura:"Y-You can't do this to me, i'm the fucking son of the prime minister!"

Lubbock:"Listen pal, we don't care. You could be a god and we'd still kill you for your crime's. Enjoy your trip, to hell, heard it's nice this time of year."


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Sayo:"Thank god, now we're one step closer to overthrowing the empire

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Sayo:"Thank god, now we're one step closer to overthrowing the empire."

Chelsea:"Yeah, let's get back to base. I need a bath."

Sayo:"And i need to get some sleep."

The three of us went back to base after a successful mission. We were given the info that just about the entirety of Wild Hunt has been destroyed. I kinda paniked when one of them was in the base, but the boss told us that, Cosmina was joining Night Raid and she'd be sent on a mission tomorrow morning to show her loyalty. Luckly, she didn't attack us in our sleep and she showed her loyalty to the Revolution. Cool, Tatsumi you lucky bastard.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Sorry i didn't upload on my lemon book today, but i'll be uploading soon and the next girl will be, Taeko.|

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