Ch 14 [Scarlet Heart]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

It's been a couple day's since my fight with Taeko and thing's have been slow as hell but i noticed something off about Akame, she was starting to get all shaky whenever i'm around, at first i thought she was scared of me until she started making up different reason's that she had to be close to me. I was a little freaked out by it but she insisted that nothing was wrong, i kept my eye's on her because this wasn't normal i thought she may have been sick or may have even been drugged.

But today she was even more shaky then usual, she looked like she was about to collapse if anyone touched her but luckly the girl's took her away and talked to her. God know's if there's anyone who can talk to her better then me or Najasho it's Corey, she's amazing.

After they walked to a room where they would be talking with Akame, Green came out with his fist balled up and an angry look on his face.

After they walked to a room where they would be talking with Akame, Green came out with his fist balled up and an angry look on his face

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Tatsumi:(I already don't like where this is going, and he hasn't even said a word yet.)


Tatsumi:"And a good morning to you too, Green."

Green:"Don't give me that! I know what you did to, Akame and i demand that you admit it!"

Tatsumi:"What are you talking about?"

Green:"I'm saying you drugged her and i want you to admit it!"

Tatsumi:"You really think i'd drug my friend!? You're dumber than you look, four-eyes!"

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Tatsumi:"You really think i'd drug my friend!? You're dumber than you look, four-eyes!"

Najasho:"What's with all the yelling?"

Guy:"Yeah, i'd like to know too."

Green:"I know for a fact Tatsumi must have drugged, Akame and he's trying to harm her!"

Tatsumi:"I've done nothing to hurt her, she's my friend and i won't stand by and let you accuse me of hurting her!"

Guy:"Green, have you just considered the fact that maybe she doesn't like you back?"

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now