Ch 77 [Lustful Assassin's]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After i finished training i went to my room as, Mera had asked me. Boy i wish i hadn't, both her and, Akame were on my bed completly naked, now i know why she sounded so odd when she asked me to meet her in my room.

Merraid:"What are you waiting for, darling? We're ready for you."

I wasn't surprised at this point and decided to just get it over with so i could get ready for my next mission.

Merraid:"Now, let's get started."

Akame:"H-Hey! You said i'd get to go first!"

Merraid:"My deepest apolagies, Akame dear, but i can keep you entertained while you wait."

Merraid's P.O.V

Tatsumi wasted no time inserting his member inside me, that gave me the sign to please, Akame while he had his way with me. She was caught off guard when i started licking her down there but i don't think she minded it much.

Merraid:"Mhhhh mhhhh hmmmm mhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhh mhhhh hmmmmm!"

Akame:"Ahhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh ohhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh hahhhhhh!"

I could already feel his member hitting my womb, he must have been very into it, watching me lick, Akame the way i was, her moan's were like music to me but some of my own drowned her's out.

Merraid:"Mhhhhh hmmmm mhhhh mhhhh hmmmm mhhhh hmmm hmmmm mhhhh hmmmm mhhhhhh!"

Akame:"Hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhh hahhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh!"

I was enjoying the feeling of being trapped between them when, Akame wrapped her leg's around my head to hold me down so i wouldn't stop. Even though i had no intention of stopping i liked her thought process.

Akame:"Ahhhhhh, i-i'm g-gonna!"

Merraid:"Mhhhh hmmmm, m-me t-too! Hmmm hmmmm!"

Akame+Merraid+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

Feeling my darling's seed enter my womb was the most euphoric thing i'll ever feel and having, Akame's juice's in my mouth made it even better than last time. Now it's her turn to feel good.

Akame's P.O.V

Mera moved aside so i could have my turn, it felt soo good finally getting to feel him inside me again but that wasn't all i would be getting. Mera got in the spot i was and spread her leg's, offering me her vagina i thought it over for only a second then began to lick her just like she did me.

Akame:"Mhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhhh hmmmmm!"

Merraid:"Ahhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhh fuck ahhhhhh hahhhhhh ahhhhhh! A-Akame, y-you're a n-natural hahhhhhh ahhhhhhh s-soo good ahhhhhh hahhhhh!"

Akame:"Hmmmm mhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhhh hmmmmm!":(Mera's pussy, it taste so good! Being inbetween both her and, Tatsumi at the same time is like being in heaven!):"Hmmmmm mhhhhhh hmmmmm mhhhhh hmmmm!"

Tatsumi began to thrust deeper and much faster than before and, Mera used her leg's to keep my mouth on her pussy. There was zero chance i'd ever stop though, having the best of both world's at the same time drove me insane i didn't want to stop until i heard her give, Tatsumi an order.

Merraid:"F-Fill her up, she's begging for it, ahhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhh!"

Merraid+Akame+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

Having, Tatsumi's seed in my womb was something i've wanted for so long and having, Mera's juice's in my mouth was just a little extra reward for being so naughty.

Merraid:"Th-That was incredible."

Akame:"It r-really was, we have to do this again soon. Don't you think, Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi:"Sure, it was pretty fun after all."

Akame:"*Giggle* Agreed."

All three of us laid in the bed and cuddled while we settled down from our little game. I'll have to get a day alone with, Mera soon.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the lemon/smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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