Ch 53 [Sweet Lust]

965 14 2

[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Me and, Chelsea were currently by the lake deeply kissing when thing's began to heat up. We had ended up on the ground and she hesitated for only a moment before starting to undo her swimsuit's top, i can vividly remember having passionate kisses with the other girl's but, Chelsea's were a lot rougher if that make's sense.

Tatsumi:"Are you sure about this?"

Chelsea:"Why should we stop? It's all your fault after all, for making me feel this way. You have to take responcibility for this, beside's i've been a little curious ever since i saw you doing this with, Mashiro, i wanted to try it out for myself."

She stripped herself of her swimsuit and spread her leg's, giving me full view of her pelvic area. I didn't want to keep her waiting so i removed my shirt and unzipped my jeans then readied myself.

Chelsea's P.O.V

I'll be honest, he hasn't even stuck it in yet but i don't think it'll fit all the way but i'm not gonna back down now.

Chelsea:"Don't be gentle with me, i can take i-Hahh! H-Hey, i wasn't f-finished with my s-sentence you big meanie, ahhhh o-okay, th-this is a l-little different then what i tought b-but it's n-not bad."

It was almost impossible to hold back even one moan but the fact that he was really good at it didn't make it easier.

Chelsea:"Hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh f-fuck d-damnit hahhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh h-harder harder ahhhhh hahhhhh!":(W-Well, i guess, M-Mashiro wasn't bluffing when s-she said he was good. F-Fuck, i can't even th-think straight!):"Ahhhhh hahhhhh yes yes yes hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh fuck fuck ahhhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh!"

This was definantly better than just playing with myself while watching like when him and, Mashiro did it. Now i know one of the reason's he has so many girl's, he obviously know's his way around a girl's body and he uses that to his advantage.

Chelsea:"Ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhh y-yes yes, d-don't stop! Ahhhhhhh hahhhh ohhhhhh k-keep going hahhhhh ahhhhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhh!":(Oh sweet lord, anyone in a mile radius of here can probably hear me, but i don't care this is too good to hold back any moan's.):"Ahhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhh r-right there, y-yes ahhhhh hahhhhh f-fuck fuck hahhhhh ohhhhhh s-soo good ahhhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhh!"

Tatsumi:(D-Damnit, no matter how many time's i do this i'll never get use to it. How many more women are after me? I can only have so many wives before it become's to much.)

I could tell he was getting close and so was i, each thrust now got his member closer and closer to entering my womb and it was something i don't think i'll ever get use to.

Chelsea:"Ahhhh hahhhh, T-Tatsumi d-don't stop hahhhhh s-soo c-close ahhhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhh yeah yeah ahhhhhhh hahhhhhh! I-I'm g-gonna!"

Chelsea+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

Well, that was quite the experience. It was a lot better than, Mashiro and the other girl's were letting on so i think they were just trying to hog him all to themselves but now i'm a part of there little Harem.

Chelsea:"Th-That was a lot better than i expected it to be, w-we should get cleaned up before we go back to the base."


We both got into the water and cleaned up, we decided to relax in the water before heading back to the base. Hopefully no one saw us.

Cassandra's P.O.V

Cassandra:(Oh my. L-Lady Chelsea was being intimate with, Sir Tatsumi? I-I didn't know that a woman would enjoy something like that with a male, i'll have to ask her how it felt later.)

My face was burning up from what i just watched happen, Mera-Sama said that isn't the right kind of love when me and, Gil joined her but now i'm not sure. I'll have to ask, Lady Chelsea how it felt. Curiousity has gotten the better of me.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Poor, Cassandra. Wrong place at the wrong time|

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