Ch 52 [Candy Girl]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Suzaku left to make contact with Night Raid's leader not to long ago, we were all tasked with tending to possible wound's one and other may have gotten in our fight with, Gozuki. Luckly no one was injured and we didn't need medical treatment but that was only the begining of our day. Of course after we were done inspecting for wound's, Meela, and Loris wanted to do something so they started bugging me to do something.

Meela:"Tatsumi, we wanna do something. Come on."

Tatsumi:"I'm a little busy right now."

Loris:"Can't you just put it on hold? We're soo bored!"

Tatsumi:"Can't you two go do something alone?"

Meela:"We can, but we don't want to."

Loris:"What would you suggest, sence you're so smart?"

I knew she was being sarcastic with that comment, i wish i could play a game with them but i'm extreamly busy right now. I have to sort these paper's out for our spies to get into the castle, they're false report's stating that all of the Elite Seven were "Killed in Action" so we wouldn't be suspected of betreyal and be sent to die.

Tatsumi:"I'm sorry, i'll play a game with you two later."

Meela:"Oh, alright. Let's go find, Mashiro she'll play with us."

Tatsumi:(For being adult's they act like children, how are they ever gonna make it as assassin's if they keep acting like that.)

Chelsea:"Hey there,-

-Would you like something to drink? I've got wine, sake, anything you can think of

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-Would you like something to drink? I've got wine, sake, anything you can think of."

Tatsumi:"I'll pass for now. Hey, Chelsea."


Tatsumi:"Do, Meela, and Loris always act like spoiled children, or am i just hearing them wrong?"

Chelsea:"They were spoiled when they were kid's and no one ever stood up to them, so that attitude carried over into adulthood for them. It annoy's the hell out of me when they're constantly fussing about something, they're adult's and need to start acting like it."

Tatsumi:"I have faith that they'll mature sooner than later, so. What's your story?"

Chelsea:"Kinda the same as everyone here, the empire wronged me and killed people i held close and i joined the rebellion against them. But unlike most of them i have a Teigu that help's me sneak around when i need to, but i mostly use it to get out of doing my job. Anyway, i'll be outside by the lake come see me if you need anything."

After a little over an hour i finally wrote out every report and could finally get out of that damned seat, i tried looking for, Meela, and Loris but they were nowhere to be seen so i decided to go to the lake where, Chelsea was. I was just gonna unwind and maybe swim in the water but she decided to play around a little bit.

Chelsea:"Hey, Tatsumi-

-Like my swimsuit? Or would you like to see me

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-Like my swimsuit? Or would you like to see me....without it?"

Tatsumi:"Please stop with that, i would rather you keep it on

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Tatsumi:"Please stop with that, i would rather you keep it on."

Chelsea:"Aw, c'mon. Don't be shy, give me your honest opinion's."


Chelsea:"I can't hear you, you'll have to speak up."

Tatsumi:"I think you look good in it."

I guess my opinion wasn't expected to be that possitive, her face turned slightly pink from what i said.

I guess my opinion wasn't expected to be that possitive, her face turned slightly pink from what i said

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Chelsea:"Th-Thank you, i guess. That was very kind of you."

After she composed herself she went right back to the teasing, this continued on for several minute's until i pushed her back. When i pushed her back a bit i accidentally carressed one of her breast, she was a little embarressed but she continued with the teasing for another two or three minute's until she finally gave up. I have to say, she can be quite provocitive but kinda annoying at time's.

Chelsea:(He touched my breast, i only wish he did it a little longer. But there is something i should tell him just in case something bad ever happen's.):"Hey, Tatsumi."


Chelsea:"I think i've fallen for you, even before now. Ever since i laid my eye's on you i've had these feeling's for you. If it is possible, i wish to be one of your wives."

My face heated up, i didn't expect her to confess some sort of feeling's for me especally after the constant teasing.

Tatsumi:"Y-You're teasing me again, aren't you?"

Chelsea:"No, i'm being serious. I've fallen in love with you from the day we met."

Before i knew it, one thing lead to another and next thing i remember her lip's were against mine and thing's were starting to heat up.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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