Ch 75 [Royal Lover]

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[Art is not mine]

Spear's P.O.V

When i came back from a recon mission all i saw was, Akame, and Sayo running around like they were trying to catch each other, i'm not sure why they were doing it but if they were having fun i'm fine with it and i won't spoil there fun.

Spear:"Mission was successful."

Najenda:"Good job."

I sat down on the bench and watched the time go by just waiting for another mission, i didn't really care enough to try anything else because i just wanted to help the Revolution win this battle and see my father again.

Spear:(*Sigh* If i go back home now, i'll become a target of the empire and they'll stop at nothing to kill me. And if that doesn't happen i'll likely be teased about not having a husband yet, like always. Stupid old man, you're not married so why should i be married so young?)

While i was being a little pouty, Poney sat down next to me.

Poney:"Aw, c'mon cutie turn that frown upside down."

Spear:"I prefer my frown's in there traditional orientation."

Poney:"What's wrong? You can tell me."

Spear:"Well i'm not sure if i really want to go home after this Revolution."

Poney:"Why's that?"

Spear:"The main reason is how much my father preasure's me with not having a husband yet, it get's to be a little.....upseting if that's the right word for it."

Poney:"Aren't you still a teen?"

Spear:"Eighteen going on nineteen in like eleven or twelve month's, but he's been harping on it since i was thirteen. At first it was just a joke but it's getting old and it's starting to kinda hurt my feeling's, i mean come on, he doesn't have a wife so why should i have to get married so soon?"

Poney:"Yeah, that make's no damn sence. He probably mean's best but just like my father it come's off badly. Sometime's parents should just keep there head's out of there kid's business, sometime's the kid just want's to settle it on there own, like who care's if they're a late teen and not married yet?"

Spear:"Beside's, there isn't anyone in my home town that i'm intrested in, they're all these huge muscular guy's who only have fighting and fucking on there mind, maybe i just want someone who isn't a complete idiot and doesn't wanna fuck every ten minute's."

Poney:"Well, i have someone in mind, if you wanna get in that scene now."

Spear:"Fire away, what's the worst that could happen?"

Poney:"We could always get you with, Tatsumi if you'd like."

Spear:"Y-You mean him

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Spear:"Y-You mean him."

I pointed at him through the window.

Poney:"Yup, we have this whole harem going and now, Akame has a bet going on who the best wife will be."


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Spear:"Hmp. If i really wanted to be a part of this harem i'd be the best part about no doubt's at all."

Poney:"Wanna bet?"

Even though i didn't think this was a good idea, in the end my pride got the better of me and i accepted her bet, i wanted to win the bet and i'd be damned if i lost willingly.

Poney:"Hey, Tatsumi dear."


Poney:"I hope there's room in your harem book, 'cause Spear over here want's to be a part of it. And i think she'd be an awsome wife for all of us."

His face turned bright red as he stumbled to find the right word's, it was so adorable i just wanted to kiss him then and there.

Tatsumi:"W-Well i-i guess i-if she want's to i can't stop her, i-it's really up to h-Mph!"

I gave him a quick kiss and that kinda made his mind stop completly, he's to cute for his own good.

Spear:"I'll see you later sweetie."

I went back into the base with a look of triumph on my face, out of all of these girl's i'm gonna be the best of all of 'em.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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