Ch 20 [Spy Work]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Today was going to be my first actual mission for the revolutionary army, i was tasked with stealing some file's from the minister durring a party. But, i needed a disguise if i was going in there, i couldn't look the part of an assassin or that would raise some eyebrow's, they had me wear a business suit to blend in with the richer crowd.


-This suit isn't too bad

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-This suit isn't too bad. What's with the purple thing in my pocket?"

Kouga:"It's code in the empire, having those in purple make's you look richer than life to people, it mean's your family own's a big time business or even own a village or two."

Tatsumi:"Heh, neet."

Mashiro:"C'mer, kid."

Mashiro came up behind me and started ruffling my hair like i was a kid again.

Tatsumi:"Release me! You crazy woman!"

Mashiro:"And, there we go. How do ya like it?"

I looked in the mirror and almost didn't recognize myself.

I looked in the mirror and almost didn't recognize myself

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Tatsumi:"Huh, not bad. I look like a completely diffrent person."

Mudi:"Okay, you have your mission. Don't get caught."

Kouga:"Before you go, remember. You will be going by the name Tetsuya Takashi, you are the son of two rich merchent's and were invited by a worker named Hanzo Inumuta."

Tatsumi:"Got it, i'll return with those file's as soon as possible."

I went to the castle where i would begin my mission, when i entered the castle i saw him the minister Honest.

I went to the castle where i would begin my mission, when i entered the castle i saw him the minister Honest

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I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now