Ch 80 [Proper Introduction's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I woke up next to, Esdeath who was completely devoid of clothes and still had the coller around her neck, i got out of bed and took a quick shower before i went down stair's. When i got down there i noticed, Kurome was there, she was likely doing some spy work, but her and, Wave were arguing on her constant consumption of sweet's.

Wave:"Yo, how did you sleep last night?"

Tatsumi:"Same old way i always do, semi-consious and paranoid, only joking of course but i was up and down all night."

Wave:"Ah, anyway for you, Kurome you should really start eating more fish and veggie's it'll add some healther food's to your diet."

Kurome:"You can stick to that, i'd rather not smell like fish all the time."

Wave:"What!? Do i smell like fish?"

Tatsumi:"No no not at all."

The three of us stood there kinda arguing on, Kurome's diet choice amd why she should eat more fish and meat's than just candy, but she wasn't changing her mind on it no matter how much we nagged her about it.

Kurome:"Stop nagging me, you're not my parents."

Wave:"You know what, do whatever you want. Just don't cry to me when something does go wrong."

Kurome:"Yeah right."

Tatsumi:(If this is how they all function then they're not gonna get to far.)

After a minute, Bols came into the room and sat down with his morning drink, i'm not sure how he eat's or drink's anything with that mask on.

Wave:"G'morning, Bols. How'd you sleep last night?"

Bols:"I slept very well, thank you for asking, Wave. You look a little tired, did you sleep well?"

Wave:"I did, but me and, Kurome have been arguing all morning about her diet."

Bols:"I see. Maybe there is something we could do to help her find some other food's she like's."

While we were talking two more people came in, a woman and her child.

Kije:"Oh dear."


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Bols:"Ah, s-sweetheart, what're you doing here?"

Kije:"You forgot your lunch the three of us made."

Bols:"I did?"

Louge:"You're so forgetful papa."

Bols:"I truely am

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Bols:"I truely am."

The three of them seemed like a very happy family, man what i wouldn't give to be part of there family.

Bols:"Thank you, Wave."


Bols:"Now that my family know's what i've done and they still support me, so no matter what happen's,-

Bols:"Now that my family know's what i've done and they still support me, so no matter what happen's,-

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-I'll be alright."

Wave:"So bright, is this love? Or rather, i'm useless again."

Kurome patted, Wave's shoulder. At that time, Esdeath had come down from her room and had something she needed us to do or rather she wanted them to keep an eye on me so i didn't run off. But i'll find a way regardless of who's watching me.

Esdeath:"Wave, you're in charge of keeping him from running off now, understood?"

Wave:"Understood, commander."

Kije:(I don't mean to be rude, but this, Esdeath come's of as a bit of a bitch. I don't want her around, Louge from this point forward.)

Me, and Wave left the base and went to the forest, i felt that would be the best place for an escape, and i was almost right.

Me, and Wave left the base and went to the forest, i felt that would be the best place for an escape, and i was almost right

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Wave:"Look's like we've got a fight on our hand's, let's show 'em who they're messing with."

Tatsumi:"Agreed, combat against them will help us hone our skill."

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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