Ch 44 [Bladed Heart]

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[Art is not mine]

Taeko's P.O.V

It was only moment's after the member's of the Elite Seven joined our group when i walked out of the base to the hot spring's where i would be relaxing for a while, my mentor Babara was killed by Gozuki just hour's ago and i was having a hard time coming to term's with that but there was something else going on with me, there are time's when i feel like my heart start's to beat faster than it should but i have no idea why.



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-How....boring, there's nothing to do. Maybe the hot spring will help me think."

I walked toward the hot spring's but on my way there i felt my heart jump out of my chest for some reason, was it trying to tell me something? Whatever it was i went to the hot spring and relaxed in it.

Taeko:(The knot's feel like they're just melting away, soo good. Now, what was that feeling earlier when it felt like my heart jumped out of my chest? Maybe there are feeling's for someone that i've burried deep so that i could successfully do my job? Hmm.)

I just laid in the water and thought to myself about who i could be having these feeling's for.

Taeko:(Could it be Mera-San? No, i never even really considered her my employer. It can't be any other member of the clan because with most of them i don't even feel a sence of them being my co-worker's, i don't know at this point. I just don't feel for any of them as far as i know, but it has to be someone.....maybe just maybe it's him? Y-Yes it has to be T-Tatsumi, w-why am i having such a hard time even saying his n-name *Giggle* wh-what's happening to me? *Yandere Giggle*.)

For some reason i couldn't stop laughing to myself, there wasn't even anything funny happening. Have i truely lost my sanity, is this where i snap?

Taeko:"*Yandere Laughter* S-Someone make it stop, i-i don't want to l-lose my sanity n-not now p-please someone help me! *Yandere Laughter*!"

I continued laughing like i was insane until for some unknown reason i just....couldn't anymore, i couldn't replicate that laugh anymore even if i tried. Did i just mentally snap for a minute, or was it something deeper than that? I decided to get out of the hot spring and go back and maybe get one of our doctor's to check on my mental state, on my way there i saw Akame but i was having a tough time keeping eye contact with her.



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Taeko:"O-Oh, hello Akame. H-How are you?"

Akame:"I'm good, are you okay? You're studdering a lot, and you're shaking like you were just dipped in an ice bath."

Taeko:"Y-Yes, i'm fine there's nothing wrong."

She looked at me with a very stern look, as if she knew what i was really thinking.

Akame:"You're hiding feeling's for someone, aren't you?"

Taeko:"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Akame:"I can see it in your eye's, and i know who it is too. You yearn for Tatsumi's affection, don't you? You've been starved of good affection for so long that you're becoming obssessed with him. Now, i can make some space for you in our group if you'd like."

I jumped when she said that i could be a possible member of there harem, and that's what i'm calling it because that's what it is. I took a moment to hesitate before i answered but i saw this as the best solution to our problem.

Taeko:"I accept."

Akame:"Now let's go inform him of this happy incident."


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I was excided that i'd be able to have someone who was as great as Tatsumi, if he has this many lover's than he has to be doing something right. When we told him that i would be another lover for him his face turned bright red.

 When we told him that i would be another lover for him his face turned bright red

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Tatsumi:"Uhh, i-if it make's you guy's happy.":(HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!?)

His expression was quite funny and his studdering made it all the funnier too, i know that i won't regret this one bit.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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