Ch 128 [The Final Battle PT1]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

We all got out of bed and hurried to get our gear ready and prepared for the final battle. We were ready for our siege on the capital, and it was going to be a big one. We had no intent to take prisoner's, we were only taking enemy lives.

Najenda:"Prepare yourselves, today is the day the empire fall's. Honest will answer for his crime's against the innocent's he's wronged. At the end of this day, we shall raise our fist in victory!"

The entire Revolutionary army raised their fist's and chanted as if we already won, i don't blame them thought, with the size of our force we have this in the bag.

Najenda:"Everyone, charge!"

We all ran toward's the capital, ready for battle. I called on Incursio and started slashing through the empire's force's with Neuntote and Murasama 2.0. It didn't take us long to cut through the first wave of their force's and we were confident in our chance's of victory.

Tatsumi:"Boss, i'm taking the lead for the rest of this battle,-

-I'm gonna see this through until we all cry shout's of victory!"

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-I'm gonna see this through until we all cry shout's of victory!"

Najenda:"Go for it, even if they retreat it's all ready to late for them."


Lubbock:"That can't be good."

We all looked toward's the castle with shock at what we saw.

We all looked toward's the castle with shock at what we saw

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Mine:"Thank's for pointing out the obvious, Lubbock."

Akame:"T-The ultimate Teigu, Shikoutazer."

Merraid:"W-Why isn't it moving?"

Najenda:"Believe me, it doesn't have to. Hit the dirt!"

 Hit the dirt!"

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I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now