Ch 47 [She's a Spy]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After defeating Gilberda in a second fight i went to the capital where i would be planning on how we would all dispose of, Gozuki without bringing in a bunch of unwanted attention. I was thinking about a midnight attack or just using my gun, Wrath to quickly kill him without much resistance but the noise would attract a bunch of people who would then see me or all of us at once. While i was walking around town i saw a very familiar face who seemed to recognize me even without my armor.

Sayo:"Hey, Red!-

-It's me, Sayo!"

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-It's me, Sayo!"

Tatsumi:"Good afternoon, Sayo it's been a while."

Sayo:"I know, it's been too long in my opinion. Hey, can you follow me for a second?"


I was sure that she would do anything to try and injure me but i kept my hand close to my gun, just in case she tried anything suspicious. Once we got to a quiet and secluded place she started talking to me.

Sayo:"You're revolution, i already know that so i'll cut to the chase. I've been working as a spy for the revolution and a big time soldier working for the empire is gonna be stopping by the bar soon and i need you to be my pretend date so we can get in without looking suspicious."

Even though she was being serious i just had to crack a joke to at least get some comic relief.

Even though she was being serious i just had to crack a joke to at least get some comic relief

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Tatsumi:"You sure you're not just tryin' to score a date?"

Sayo:"*Giggle* Who know's,-

Sayo:"*Giggle* Who know's,-

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-Maybe i am."


-I'm just messing with you, but in all seriousness we should get to work

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-I'm just messing with you, but in all seriousness we should get to work."

Sayo:"Good, he'll be there in about fifteen minute's so we should move and now."

We walked to the bar where we had to put on the roll of being just a loving couple, a normal one because i have a few girlfriend's but we're all assassin's so i didn't really know what a normal couple looked like, i just had to go with the flow. Once we entered the bar we sat as close to an exit as possible so once our objective was complete we could make a clean get away.

Waitress:"Good afternoon, what would you like to order?"

Sayo:"I'll have one Midori please, what would you like dear?"

Before i could order i saw our objective walk through the door and had to make a quick choice.

Tatsumi:"I'm fine for now."

Waitress:"Okay, i will be right back with your order."

I pulled some money out of my pocket so i could pay for her drink and alerted her to our objective being here. She began to whisper to me so we wouldn't be heard.

Sayo:"We'll need to find a way to distract him so one of us can get a hold of that peice of paper in his back pocket."

Tatsumi:"Okay, i can get that peice of paper easly. Now we just need a distraction."

Sayo:"Leave that to me. Hello there sir."

She struck up a conversation with the soldier and i decided that now would be a good of a time as ever to try and turn invisible again. After i focused for a second it worked and not a soul could see me, i quickly got behind him and picked his pocket and got the paper's that had a bunch of information on revolutionary camp location's, this was big. And it would set the empire back by quite a few step's.

To give her the signal that i got it i snuck around and turned visible again, then i walked up behind her and i hugged her from behind like most boyfriend's do.

Soldier:"What's wrong with him?"

Sayo:"Oh, he just get's a little jealous sometime's. It's okay sweetie, no one's taking me from you."

Soldier:"Anyway, my order is ready so i guess this is adios."

Sayo:"Bye, and good luck on the fight against the revolution."

We sat down at our table again and her drink arrived, i gave her the paper's and we left with them and the drink. The money was on the table so we weren't stealing anything.

Sayo:"Let's go back to my place to talk, carry me."

I knew this was so we still looked like two young people who were madly in love, but it was still a little embarressing to be carring her. We eventually got back to her house and we relaxed there for the time being until the group she was working with came and picked up the paper's. But before i left she actually asked me something.

Sayo:"Hey, would you like to spend the night? It is a little lonely here when i'm all alone."

Tatsumi:"If i could i would, but i should really get back to my base before they think i'm up to something."

Sayo:"Aww, come one. What harm could one night cause?"

After a little back and forth i finally caved and agreed to stay the night with her. I'm hoping i won't regret this.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|How would you guy's feel about me posting on my alt account ShadowYeager77? It would likely be used for more mature story idea's or something along those line's, i'm still not sure about it but maybe i will maybe i won't|

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