Ch 65 [Lovey Dovey Twin's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Me and, Gil had laid down for a nap in the forest, before hand though she had confessed her love for me and i accepted. I didn't know why all of these girl's were falling in love with me or why they were okay with a Harem, but if i could truely make them happy i would do anything in my power to do so, but still i'm trying to figure it all out in my head why they all fell for me out of all people.

I started to wake up a little while afterward's and with quite the shock, Meela, and Loris were with me and, Gil and they were fast alseep too. I had no idea why they were here, did they follow us? Or did they find us and decide they wanted in on it?

Meela:"Stop moving around so much, i wanna take a nap."

Loris:"Me too, stop moving."

Gilberda:"Yeah i-wait what!?"

Gil practicly jumped out of her skin, i guess she didn't normally wake up with them around her. Being sarcastic of course, this is probably very out of the normal.

Gilberda:"What are you two doing here!?"

Meela:"Well i'll tell you,-

-We want a boyfriend too, so now you have to share with us

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-We want a boyfriend too, so now you have to share with us."

Gilberda:"Not a chance in hell! If you want a boyfriend go get one yourself!"

Loris:"Hey, we all know you're not against sharing him. You're sharing him with a buncha other girl's, are you not?"

Tatsumi:"A whole total of ten now."

I said with shame in my voice.

Meela:"So what harm are we gonna cause, are you scared we'll take your turn?"

Gilberda:"What're you talking about?"

Loris:"Oh you know."

Gil's face turned bright red after, Loris made her suggestive comment. All of us knew exactly what she was talking about so almost all of us were embarrassed.

Meela:"Come on, you know it would be so much fun. And hey, the more the merrier, am i right?"

Gilberda:"Th-There's not a chance in hell that i would ever, under any circumstance's, allow you two to be anywhere near him romanticly!"

Loris:"Well, didn't you hate him up until now? You tried to kill him twice that i can remember, and we've been a lot nicer to him too."

Meela:"Yup, now stop trying to keep him to yourself! Or we'll tell, Mera!"

Tatsumi:(Oh god help me, they're back to acting like spoiled brat's.)

I just listened to the three of them argue back to back for upward's of twenty minute's, dear lord i am about ready to jump off of the highest mountan in all the realm's if this continue's. After almost a half hour of them arguing, Gil asked them what they would even do with me.

Gilberda:"What are you even gonna do with him that i can't do? If anything."

Meela:"We'd just wanna give him a buncha hug's, kisses, and snuggle's. Kinda like what you did a minute ago."

Gilberda:"Ehh!? W-Were you watching us you freaky stalker's!?"

Loris:"Well, Mashiro-San gave us permission to do it. And she's a part of his Harem, just like you."

I was caught off guard by her saying, Mashiro gave them permission to stalk us. I was so close to laughing it was as if my chest was gonna explode.

Meela+Loris:"So, Tatsumi,-

-What do you say? Do you accept our love or regect it?"

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-What do you say? Do you accept our love or regect it?"

I was a little frozen for a second, but eventually i made my mind up.

Tatsumi:"I have nothing against it, but it's up to the rest of them. If they're okay with it then i'm okay with it."

Meela+Loris:"Already have there blessing's, does that count?"

Gilberda:"I guess it count's, just don't hog him to yourselves."

Meela+Loris:"Okey dokey."

The both planted a kiss on each of my cheek's, Gil looked a little jealous and that didn't go unnoticed.

Meela:"Aw, we won't leave you out, c'mer."

They both pounced on her and started trying to kiss her as well. And she didn't take it well.

Gilberda:"Get off me you fucking little gremlin's!"

I kinda chuckled and watched the whole thing unfold, it was one of the funniest thing's i've seen in my entire life.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, i'll see y'all later, peace]

|May the 4th be with you all. In honor of this star wars themed "Holiday", what's your favorite lightsaber design? Mine's Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber.|

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now