Ch 101 [Surprise Attack]

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[Art is not mine]

Natala's P.O.V

Myself, and Suu-San had been sent on a mission to assassinate a member of the four Rakshasa Demon's named, Mez. All i knew about the group is that they have some sort of body manipulation and are very dangerous so we'd have to procide with caution.

Natala:"Hey, Suu-San."

Susanoo:"Yes, Natala?"

Natala:"Aside from the Boss awakening you, why did you choose to join us?"

Susanoo:"I was sworn to follow my leader, and that just so happened to be, Najenda. But i chose to stay because of one simple factor."

Natala:"And that would be?"

Susanoo:"Because i've come to see you all as not teammate's,-

Susanoo:"Because i've come to see you all as not teammate's,-

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-But as my friend's."

I was plesently surprised that, Suu-San saw me and the other's as friend's and not just teammate's. It was a title i'll be wearing with pride.

Natala:"I'm glad to call myself your friend, Suu-San."

Susanoo:"I'm glad that i can call you my friend, Natala i hope our friendship doesn't grow sour like many other's claim."

Natala:"It won't, we'll be friend's even after the day we die."


We continued walking until the both of us could sence something close.

Natala:"Is that what i think it is?"

Susanoo:"I think it is."


-To the right!"

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-To the right!"

We jumped out of the line of gunfire, after the shot's stopped we armed up and prepared for combat.

Natala:"Show yourself coward!"



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-Sup kid."

Susanoo:"Who are you, gunslinger?"

????:"Name's, Doya. Don't wear it out."

Natala:"Well, Doya-

-You are interfering in business that doesn't consern you, i will have to ask you to leave

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-You are interfering in business that doesn't consern you, i will have to ask you to leave."

Doya:"Not happening, pal. So how 'bout we throw down here and now?"

Susanoo:"If you wish to die, then we will not hesitate to grant it."

Doya:"Then let's throw down boy's,-

Doya:"Then let's throw down boy's,-

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-Eat lead!"

She opened fire on us but we were able to successfully dodge her gunfire, but i noticed something was very off about the ammunition she was using.

Natala:(That ammunition isn't lethal, it can't be.)

Doya:"Behind you!"

I caught her arm and threw her across the field, luckly i was able to get one of her gun's and used it against her

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I caught her arm and threw her across the field, luckly i was able to get one of her gun's and used it against her. And as i suspected, the ammunition wasn't lethal.

Natala:"Rubber bullet's."

Doya:"Heh, yup rubber bullet's."

Natala:"So you aren't here to kill, or arrest us, are you?"

Doya:"Nope, just had to test ya."

Susanoo:"You're part of Night Raid, aren't you?"

Doya:"Yup, always have been. Boss has just been keeping me a secret from y'all. And by the way, Mez is gonna be a no show. She's busy arguing with a couple other chick's about some guy, he's good lookin' and all but i don't see the huge fuss over him."

Natala:"*Sigh* Should we just head back to base? This mission was just a huge waste of time."

Susanoo:"It would be best to return to base, if, Mez truely won't show up."

Doya:"She won't, she's already asleep, trust me i know."

Natala:"Yeah, that's totally not creepy as hell."

Doya:"Don't sugar coat it, it's creepy and i know it is."

Susanoo:"Thank the god's you're aware of how creepy you are."

Doya:"Oh, and i'm just gonna be chatting your ear's off while we're headed back to base so be ready for that."

Natala:"Oh god."

We started back toward's the base and as she said, Doya didn't shut up at all on the way. We arrived around the same time as everyone else so that's good.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|I put up a slight teaser to the Akame ga Kill! Lemon Book on my alt account ShadowYeager77 so if you want to know all of the girl's that'll be given some time with our boy check out the description of it. This emoji [🛇] mean's they won't be in the fic for very obvious reason's. And when the character's have this [✅] that mean's they've appeared, more than one mean's they've appeared more than once. Anyway i'll see y'all later, adios|

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