Ch 76 [Third Blade]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After, Spear became a part of this harem i decided to go visit, Bro who was in recovery for his broken back and talk with him about the whole Incursio thing, i had planned to just give it back to him because i thought he would recover and be able to use it to it's fullest again. It was kinda tough to see, Bro in this state, unable to move his leg's, in constant agony, and further more.

 It was kinda tough to see, Bro in this state, unable to move his leg's, in constant agony, and further more

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Bulat:"Damnit, in this state i'm next to useless to the team. There has to be something i can do to speed this recovery process along."

Tatsumi:"Hey, Bro. You got a minute?"

Bulat:"Yeah, considering i can't really move i'd say i have a minute to spare. What's up?"

Tatsumi:"I just wanted to get this back to you before you missed it."

I put Incursio's key on a table near his bed and sat down for a moment.

Tatsumi:"So, how much longer do you think this recovery will take?"

Bulat:"I'm hoping it isn't too much longer, i have to get back out there and help with the Revolution sooner or later, so i can't be bedridden for much longer."

Tatsumi:"At least you're still here, we probably would have a tough time coming back if you died on the ship."

Bulat:"I'm not sure if that'd be the case, there was a reason i intrusted Incursio to you. It wasn't just a last ditch effort to gain victory, it's because i knew you'd be a stronger user for it then i am."


I was kinda stuned that, Bro thought i'd be a stronger Incursio user than he was. He had to be joking but knowing him he likely wasn't.

Bulat:"That's right, when i saw you fight i knew there was something missing and that was an awsome armor *Chuckle* but in all seriousness i knew you'd be much more powerful than most people would be, normally Incursio or any Teigu for that matter of fact would eat someone alive from the i side out if they weren't strong enough to use them."

Tatsumi:(That's reassuring, NOT!):"So you knew from the begining that i was strong enough to handle it?"

Bulat:"Yes, i knew from the start that you'd be a pretty damn good Teigu user."

I went silent for a moment and just kinda looked at Incursio's key now knowing that he wanted me to use it in battle more often.

I went silent for a moment and just kinda looked at Incursio's key now knowing that he wanted me to use it in battle more often

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Tatsumi:(So, me as the new Incursio user huh?-

-If it make's this Revolution any easier then i'm all in.):"Then i'll become the strongest Incursio user mankind has ever seen!"

Bulat:"I'm counting on it. Once i'm fully recovered we'll have a little brawl and see how much stronger you've gotten."

I grabbed Incursio's key off of the table, wrapped the sling around my torso and made my way to the training yard, i was stopped by, Mera who whispered something in my ear that kinda made a chill go up my spine.

Merraid:"Meet me in your room later, darling."

She then licked my neck and walked away, no amount of tharapy will ever make that memory go away.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|If you could give, Tatsumi three weapon's from the Doom universe what would they be? My personal option's would be the Super Shotgun, the B.F.G 9000, and the Crucible. Imagein how funny it would be if he pulled the B.F.G on, Esdeath when he was being held hostage in her bedroom.|

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