Ch 81 [Escape Route]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After i slipped out of the Yeager's base of command i went to the forest where i had intended to escape back to the Night Raid base, but there was one problem. Wave was sent to keep an eye on me so i didn't run off and escape, whenever i see, Esdeath again i'm gonna have to teach her a lesson.

Wave:"Hey, being honest with you i feel like you and me are the only normal people in this group right now, i mean there is, Run but he's not there very often. So in reality it's just us two."

Tatsumi:"I get what you mean. Why did you decide to join this group anyway? 'Cause as i see it there are dozon's of Revolutionary group's out there wanting to get to the minister, so why not just say 'Adios fucker's i'm out.' And just up and leave them to keep yourself alive?"

Wave:"At this point i'm starting to consider it, i haven't even been a part of the team for long and i'm seriously considering just leaving."

Tatsumi:"I see why you're considering it, they're all jackasses, especally, Esdeath. She need's to cool down with her sadisim if she want's someone to marry."

Wave:"Agreed, and that girl, Seryu make's me very uncomfortable."

Him and me spoke for almost a half hour before we found something that didn't really like us.

Him and me spoke for almost a half hour before we found something that didn't really like us

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Tree Beast:"*Shrill Screeching*!"

Tatsumi:"Oh for fuck sake's, this thing's annoying as fuck!"

Wave:"I agree, let's shut it up, permanantly!"

We both drew our weapon's and prepared to fight it, with both of our skill combined we easily killed the Tree Beast and in all of the confusion i was able to sneak away without being seen by him, i felt bad that he had to work with those psycho's but in the end i didn't wanna be with them either.

Wave:"This is bad! I know you don't wanna die because of her but neither do i!":(Shit, i've gotta find him and fast, i'll just have to use this.):"Grand Chariot!"

I was able to get pretty far away, while i was running i felt it was safe enough to use Incursio and get some extra speed on my side, luckly i wasn't seen transforming and i could continue on my way but i was quickly found by, Wave again

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I was able to get pretty far away, while i was running i felt it was safe enough to use Incursio and get some extra speed on my side, luckly i wasn't seen transforming and i could continue on my way but i was quickly found by, Wave again.

I was able to get pretty far away, while i was running i felt it was safe enough to use Incursio and get some extra speed on my side, luckly i wasn't seen transforming and i could continue on my way but i was quickly found by, Wave again

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Wave:"You, you're general Bulat, yes?"

I remained silent and simply took a fighting stance, i had no intention of actually fighting him as doing that would only cause problem's down the line.

I remained silent and simply took a fighting stance, i had no intention of actually fighting him as doing that would only cause problem's down the line

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Wave:"This would've been easier had you surrendered, but if i have to fight with everything i have just to land one hit on you then so be it."

I dodged all of his attack's but eventually he did start landing hit's on me and i attempted to retreat, luckly it seemed to have worked and i was able to escape for the most part, that was until i heard him shout something while he was above me.

Wave:"Grand Fall!"

Wave:"Grand Fall!"

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I landed in the water where i used my invisibility to escape to the main land while he went off looking for me in another direction, luckly, Akame, and Lubbock were in the area and were able to find me quickly and get me back to base without any further interuption's.

Tatsumi:(Even though he's strong, he's not very wise. But i have a sneaking suspicion we'll be meeting as enemies again very soon.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What do you think, Tatsumi would be like if he was Hajime Nagumo's [From Arifureta] son? I think he'd end up being just like him gun's and all. But give me your thought's on it.|

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