Ch 102 [Target Acquired]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After all of us had returned to base, tha Boss had given us our next mission. The mission was to assassinate the mastermind, Bolic and his body guard, Holimaca. I knew that this guy had no skill in combat and only had pride in the fact that he reletlessly drug's women so they'll sleep with him, and that make's me sick.

Najenda:"As we went over, Akame, and Tsukushi found an alternative way into his palace. He's been drugging innocent women for long enough and he has to be exterminated."

Lubbock:"So that bastard has been sneaking drug's into gourmet dishes so he could hop around from one hot girl to the next."

Susanoo:"And spiking someone's meal is an unspeakable insult to the food."

Lubbock+Susanoo:"This guy's going down!"

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Lubbock+Susanoo:"This guy's going down!"

Najenda:"I appreciate the enthusiasm, but i think it may be a little miss placed."

All of us got a slight chuckle out of, Lub, and Suu-San's very miss placed enthusiasm but they are right on one thing, Bolic is going down and he's gonna be hitting that ground hard.

All of us got a slight chuckle out of, Lub, and Suu-San's very miss placed enthusiasm but they are right on one thing, Bolic is going down and he's gonna be hitting that ground hard

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Najenda:"Here's the plan, Akame, and Lubbock will go through the alternative entrence they found, Susanoo, Gilberda, and Bulat will create a distraction, preferably something loud."

Gilberda:"Well, luckly for you, making loud noises is my specialty."

Najenda:"*Chuckle* Oh what would we ever do without you. After the distraction is planted w-Hey, Merraid! Are you even listening!?"

Merraid:"*Yawn* I stopped listening when you said, "Here's the plan" so i'm not caught up completely."

Najenda:"*Defeated Sigh* Just listen. Mudi will be joining you three on this as backup just in case something goes all ass-way's."

Mudi:"Finally, i'm getting a mission that doesn't consist of running errand's."

Merraid:"What about me, when do i get a mission?"

Najenda:"You never listen to me regardless of what i say, so i've completely given up on you."

Leone:"So, what about the rest of us?"

Najenda:"Leone, you Sheele, Cassandra, Gin, and Mine will be spying on this man, don't get seen."

Leone+Sheele+Cassandra+Gin+Mine:"Roger that boss!"

Najenda:"The rest of you will be staying back to protect the base until further notice. That conclude's this breifing."

All:"Roger that!"

We all went to do our preperation's, i wasn't surprised that once again, Mera got sassy with the boss. One of these day's it'll be the death of her i swear to god.

Tatsumi:(Why do i feel like something big is coming our way? Hm, maybe it's just me being a little overly anxious or something like that, but still. There has to be some meaning to this gut feeling, and my gut feeling's have never been wrong.):"You all stay safe out there, it's dangerous."

Mine:"We know that, but thank's for worrying."

Leone:"Aww, it's okay we'll be back soon."

Tatsumi:"Please don't treat me like i'm an animal."

Cassandra:"He has a point, it is not nice to treat someone like an animal."

Mine:"Let's get going already, this isn't our final goodbye just yet. We still have to change the empire before we can disappear."

Tatsumi:(Is she okay? She almost never talj's like that. I'll have to speak with her about it when she get's back.)

Everyone left for their mission and i went to spend some time with the kid's before they went to bed. I hope they stay safe on their mission's, only god know's how bad it can go.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Have you ever had that feeling when you're rooting for a certant anime character to die and get just so sadisfide when they do? I had that feeling this morning when i watched the eleventh episide of Arifurera's second season. No spoiler's from me so you don't have to worry about that if you're watching in currently.|

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