Ch 93 [Purple Flower]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Holy hell was that a trip, or what? Me, and Mine ran into a whole lot of problem's on our way back to the base. Like a horde of Danger Beast, a buncha enemies saw us so we had to kill them, a group of drug dealer's who wanted to sell us for money, all in all it was absolute hell trying to get back, and i'm out of ammo. Fuck my life.

Najenda:"What took you two so long to get back?"

Mine+Tatsumi:"Don't ask."

I didn't even want to do anything today, so i just went to my room and laid in my bed. I passed out almost instantly and woke up later into the night.

Tatsumi:(Ugh, why can't i just sleep for the rest of the night? Oh well, might as well just go get a drink and try and sleep some more.)

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some water, but before i could go back to my room i caught a glimps at a note. It said "Meet me in your meditation garden." What are they talking about? I grabbed Murasama then went to my meditation garden and saw nothing for a moment but i could sense someone was there.

Tatsumi:"Come out and show yourself, or i'll cut you down to size."

I heard a nervous squeek and saw, Sheele standing behind a tree.

Tatsumi:"Sheele, what are you doing up this late? Is something wrong?"

Sheele:"N-No, nothing's wrong, j-just come a little closer."

I knew right off the bat something was suspicious. Her face was red and i couldn't see the sleeve's of her dress. There is something very suspicious going on here. I approached slowly with my blade drawn thinking something was going on. When i got closer she apparently lost her balence and fell into the water and sweet lord was i caught off guard, she was completely naked and had no shame in me seeing her in that state.

Sheele:"Sorry, my love. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, but i guess my balence failed me."

Just from the look in her eye's i knew what she was after, i figured it would be better to get it done and over with here and now instead having her get dressed just to strip again after getting back to base. I unzipped my jeans and got ready to have a little intamicy with, Sheele.

Sheele's P.O.V

Sheele:"P-Please be gentle, i-it's my first time."

Tatsumi:"Don't worry, i'll be gentle with you."

He kissed my neck and then thrusted into me, the pain wasn't horrible but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. It took a moment or two for it to subside but after it did i was in a state of pure extacy.

Sheele:"Hahhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh fuck fuck hahhhh y-yes r-right there hahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh hahhhh h-harder harder y-yes yes ahhhhh hahhhh f-fuck me, my love! Ahhhhh ohhhhh hahhhh!":(F-Fuck, t-too good i can't think s-straight! S-Soo good c-can't resist it!):"Hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh hahhhh!"

The feeling of his tool peircing my womb was something i would never get use too but it's a feeling i'll be looking forward to feeling again next time we do it.

Sheele:"Hahhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh y-yes yes yes ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh s-soo big ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh yes ahhhhh f-fuck fuck fuck hahhhh ohhhhh h-harder harder!"

While he thrusted into me, i felt him start to suck on one of my breast like he was trying to feed but it felt so good, i couldn't resist the pleasure he was giving me, it felt like an honor to be pleasured by him but i knew he would likely disagree with my view but it's how i saw it.

Sheele:"Ahhhhh, T-Tatsumi h-harder hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh fuck fuck ahhhhh i-i'm g-gonna!"

Sheele+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHHH!"

Feeling his seed completely fill my womb was something i wanted to feel again but in the end it turned out a certant blonde was watching us the entire time.

????:"Tsk Tsk Tsk, well well well, what have i found here?"


[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What a chapter to return with, anyway two thing's. First, what if, Tatsumi had the power of a Ghoul? Like Tokyo Ghoul i myself haven't watched it yet but i know about the Kakugan and the fact that they eat human's but other than that i have no idea what they can do so if you can fill me in on their power's that'd be very appritiated. And two, i'm gonna make a new schedule for my writing soon.|

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