Ch 125 [Frozen Tear's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

It was the morning after Wild Hunt was terminated, Cosmina had joined us and was just sent on a mission to assassinate one of, Honest funder's and a big player in the corruption of the capital. He's killed at least a dozon innocent's and children without a single sign of remorse, so we're hoping, Cosmina get's this done.

Anyway, boss had come to me and told me i needed to meet her in the interogation room.

Najenda:"Tatsumi, meet me in the interogation room."

Tatsumi:"Got it."

I gave, Mine, and Mashiro a quick kiss before going into the room and saw that, Esdeath was tied to a chair and she was a little....underdressed.

Tatsumi:"Boss, why is she almost naked?"

Najenda:"Ask, Merraid about that. She's the one who took her here. Anyway, i need you to try and convert her to our side, and if all else fail's feel free to kill her."

Tatsumi:"Got it."

I got closer to her and removed the gag as, boss closed the door leaving only the candle light to aluminate the room. I was going to do my best to convert her to our side, but if not i'd have to kill her.

Tatsumi:"Esdeath, i'm here to talk."


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She was already refusing to speak, i wasn't going to get violent with her but if she didn't speak, i'd have to do something i might regret.

Tatsumi:"Listen, i'm trying to help you to the best of my abilities. But if you don't speak, i can't help you. All i want is for you to see how peaceful the empire can be when, Honest is gotten rid of."

Esdeath:"There is no peace, not while your leader's breathe

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Esdeath:"There is no peace, not while your leader's breathe. You've made this empire a prison for all of it's residence."

Tatsumi:"If you think, Honest has a team out looking for you you're damn wrong. He couldn't care less, all he want's is to cause pain and suffering to the innocent's of this empire."

Esdeath:"I don't see any reason to believe you on that accusation. I came into this empire as no one and became the strongest this empire has because of, Honest. If he didn't accept me into the military i'd be a nobody."

Tatsumi:"It's better to be a nobody, then be a somebody who's known for killing innocent people. The northern tribe, they did nothing wrong but when, Honest said they were dangerous to his agenda you went over there and slaughtered them."

Esdeath:"If all of this is true, then why help me, your enemy."

Tatsumi:"Because just like, Cosmina i can see the good in you. You weren't born evil, you're hurt and you wanted other's to feel the pain you did and i don't blame you for being angry at the world for the life you've been given, but the thing's you've done are on the border of unforgivable, but you can take those step's into healing and reparing what you've destroyed by joining us. Please, let me help you."

She remained silent for a minute before speaking up again.

Esdeath:"How would you know anything about how i felt? You don't know a fragment of it."

I wanted to slap her across the face for that coment, but i kept calm and rested my hand on her cheek.

Tatsumi:"I do know, because i've lived that life. Parents murdered, village destroyed, friend's and family being taken from you. I've lived through all the same thing's you did. If your father was here right now, what would he think?"

Esdeath:(W-What would my father think? He's the one who taught me that the weak lie beneath the boot's of the strong, and that the weak are destined to die, like my mother. In this world it's survival of the fittest, kill or be killed. B-But what would he think, if he saw me in this state?):"I-I don't know."

I saw tear's starting to form in her eye's, i wiped them away and carresed her cheek.

Tatsumi:"Esdeath, you can turn this all around, i want to help you so please, let me help you."

Esdeath:"I-I don't n-need help, *Choaked Sob* i'm not j-joining you."

She was probably thinking about her father, i'm not sure if that's what she was actually thinking but her tear's were genuine.

Tatsumi:"Don't cry, Esdeath. I'm here for you."

Esdeath:"*Sob* P-Please, help me."

She was trying not to cry but she wasn't able to hold it back, she cried for almost a half hour but when i was able to calm her down she finally spoke to me.

Esdeath:"I'll join, b-but you have to swear that you won't abandon me. I'm not ready to be alone again."

After a quick talk with, Najenda, Esdeath was released and sent on a mission to kill another one of, Honest people. Akame was sent along side her to keep an eye on her. Luckly, Esdeath, and Cosmina both returned as loyal member's of Night Raid. I've never felt so proud in my life.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What if, Tatsumi was a vampire prince? I think, Akame would be a victorian era woman and, Tatsumi saved her from, Green who was a werewolf. But what do you think?|

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