Ch 74 [Friend's to Lover's]

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[Art is not mine]

Sayo's P.O.V

As of today, i'm an offical member of Night Raid, now i can not only fight along side the Revolution but i can fight along side my childhood cru-Friend that's what i ment, childhood friend. Heh.

Anyway, i was really excided to finally be right here where all the magic happen's, i'm kinda fangirling right now but i'm so excided to finally be an offical Revolutionary member instead of just helping out from that old shack i lived in.

Sayo:"What'll be my first mission, Boss?"

Najenda:"Calm down, i'm still waiting for them to send us a target, then that'll be your first mission, okay?"

Sayo:"Yes ma'am! What do i do until then?"

Najenda:"Maybe get to know your new teammate's, it's up to you what you do until then."

Sayo:"Okay, just give me a call when you have a mission for me."

I went around the base and introduced myself to just about every member of the group and they were a big team too and i was more than happy to be friend's with all of them. While i was introdusing myself to everyone i guess, Akame, and Mashiro caught on to my little crush.

Akame:"You like, Tatsumi, don't you?"

Sayo:"N-No, why would anyone think that, we're just friend's."

Mashiro:"That's what they all say, and i'm serious about that."

Sayo:"I'm being serious, we're only friend's and we'll never be anything more."

Akame smirked and started inching closer to me.

Akame:"Are you sure?"

Sayo:"I'm sure."

Mashiro started mimicing, Akame and repeated the same thing.

Mashiro:"Are you really sure?"

Sayo:"I'm absolutely, possitivly, one hundred and ten percent, no doubt about it, sure i have no romantic feeling's for, Tatsumi."

Akame:"You're a horrible liar, Sayo. I can see right through you, kinda like, Mine over there."


Mashiro:"C'mon, admit it. You like him."

After there constant pestering and preasuring i finally gave in and admited it.

Sayo:"Okay i admit it, i've had a crush on him since we were kid's but i never had the gut's to tell him, and now he has you all as a harem and i don't think he'll be intrested in me."

Mashiro:"There, now we'll just have to tell him about having you with us."


Akame:"This is normal when it come's to us, i think he'll be just fine with you being another wife."

Sayo:"W-Wife!? I i don't think now out of all time's would be a good time to get married, especally because we're in the middle of a Revolution."

Mashiro:"Aw, don't be like that, c'mon you've liked him for the longest time, so how bad could it end."

Akame:"Let's go, he's probably in his room."

Mashiro, And Akame grabbed me by my arm's and dragged me around the base to bring me to, Tatsumi so they could tell him i was gonna be a part of the harem, i was nervous but kinda excided.

Akame:"Hey, Tatsumi."


Mashiro:"This cutie, Sayo actually has feeling's for you and we're letting her into our harem, so are you excided?"

Mashiro:"This cutie, Sayo actually has feeling's for you and we're letting her into our harem, so are you excided?"

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Tatsumi:"This is really sudden, wh-when was this decided?"

Akame:"Just now, beside's, i think she'll make an amazing wife for us."

Tatsumi:(You got yourself into this, Tatsumi

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Tatsumi:(You got yourself into this, Tatsumi. Now you have to take responcibility.):"Y-You're not wrong."

Mashiro:"Wonderful, now kiss!"

Mashiro grabbed me, and Tatsumi by the back of our head's and made us kiss, on one hand i liked the kiss but on the other i was kinda pissed that, Mashiro forced it.

Sayo:"Th-Thank you, Tatsumi."

Tatsumi:"S-Sure, i guess

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Tatsumi:"S-Sure, i guess."

Sayo:"No matter what happen's,-

-I'll be the best wife of them all!"

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-I'll be the best wife of them all!"

Akame:"Wanna bet?"

Sayo:"You're on!"

Mashiro:"I'll just hang back and watch it go down."

Sayo:"I'll be the greatest wife in this universe and the next!"

Akame:"You're on!"

Me, and Akame were both betting which one of us would be the better wife for, Tatsumi and i'll be damned if i'm out done by her, i'll be the very best wife anyone could ever have.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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