Ch 58 [V.S Tengu Merc's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Today, me and my group joined Night Raid and it wasn't long before we were giving our first task.

Lubbock:"Hey, Najenda-San. Enemies are approaching the base and fast, we should terminate them and quickly."

Najenda:"Which direction's are they coming from?"

Lubbock:"Three are coming from the south, One's approaching from underground, Six are coming from the north, another Four coming from the east, and Two are coming from the west."

Najenda:"Then all if you dispatch to each area and eliminate them, quickly."

All:"Roger that!"

We all quickly ran out of the base to deal with the enemies approaching the base, i went north with, Bulat sence he was with the Imperial army before joining the Revolution.

Bulat:"So you're coming with me?"

Tatsumi:"Figured you'd have the most to teach my, General Bulat."

Bulat:"You can call me, Bro or Handsome."

Tatsumi:"Alright, Bro."

Bulat:"That feel's awsome, in return i'll show you something cool. Incursio!"

Watching him transform with that suit seemed to have awakened something in my mind, it was as if i had seen or.....used that armor before but i couldn't let on that i had some suspicion.

Tatsumi:"That's awsome!"

Bulat:"I know right, i'll scout ahead you stay here."

Tatsumi:"Roger that, Bro."

As he went ahead i ducked into a bush and waited for the target to show themself, there was no way that whole déjà vu thing was another overthought, there has to be some kind of link between these weird feeling's and that armor.

Tatsumi:(These can't be the usual thug's either, they have to be with one of the Tengu clan's. There's no other explination to it.)

I sat there in the bushes motionless for several minute's waiting for something to happen, eventually a rabbit jumped out of the other bush but i kept calm cause if an enemy was near by and saw that i'd be dead meat.

Tatsumi:(Any minute now, just stay calm and stay patient. If you botch this up you can kiss your life goodbye, and i still have to much to accomplish before i'm ready to die.)

After a second or two, i heard more bushes being moved and there was no way it was just another rabbit, the movement's were like a grown man or if it was just another animal it would have to be a Horse or a Bull. It turned out i was right and it was one of the enemies, it was a single one that likely snuck pass, Bro. I was gonna show him who's the one he should be scared of.

Mercanary:"Almost there, i can alreadt taste the riches."

Tatsumi:"I don't think so,-

Tatsumi:"I don't think so,-

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-Beg the devil for mercy."

A single slash from Murasama was enough to split him in half, i wasn't one to take prisoner's and i made sure of it. He took a couple second's to bleed out but he didn't get the chance to really react.

Tatsumi:"May you find peace, in the after life."

After my victory i went to find, Bro. By the time i arrived all of the Tengu punk's were dead.

Bulat:"I can assume you got your opponant?"

Tatsumi:"Dead in a single swipe."

Bulat:"Good, that should be all if them."

Lubbock:"Yup, i got my target."

Mine:"Same here, me and Sheele made quick work of our target's."

Leone:"All of 'em are dead, that was a pretty easy one too."

Tatsumi:(So this is the power of Night Raid? I think we made a good choice on this one.)

We went back to the base after a successful mission, i know this is gonna be one hell of a Revolution.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|How would everyone feel if there was an Akame ga Kill! Anime remake that followed the manga? I think it would be received a little better than the actual anime|

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