Ch 32 [Lose]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After i laid, Kouga to rest at a cherry blossom tree i went to the Retributonary group's base of command to inform them of Kouga's demise. The hardest part was going to be telling Mashiro, her and Kouga were closer than most they were lover's and now he was gone.

I opened the entrence to the base but kept silent, i didn't know what to say to them but i had to tell them.

Mudi:"Tatsumi, Where's Kouga?"

Tatsumi:"I'm sorry, Kouga's gone

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Tatsumi:"I'm sorry, Kouga's gone."

After i said that there was absolute silence, everyone was stunned that Kouga was dead. Especally, Mashiro.

Mashiro:"Wh-What? H-He can't be gone, he wouldn't leave us like that."


Mashiro:"No, he's not dead he can't be!"

Meela:"I'm so sorry, Mashiro-San. But he's gone, we don't want to accept it any more than you but it's the truth."

Mashiro:"What about his killer? Who did it and what happened to them?"

Tatsumi:"His killer is dead, by my hand's."

Mudi:"What of the body, where's Kouga's body?"

Tatsumi:"I laid him to rest, he was laid at the cherry blossom tree."

Mashiro:"D-Did it have a dagger tied to it?"


The look on her face turned even sadder, i didn't even know was possible.

Mashiro:"That's the tree we were married under. I-I need to be alone for now."

She went to her room and hid there hoping to get better that way, but i wasn't sure it would granted i'm not a doctor or a therapist so i wouldn't know.

Suzaku:"Kouga's loss will be taken as a declaration of battle,-

Suzaku:"Kouga's loss will be taken as a declaration of battle,-

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-We will wage against the Elite Seven by morning."

Tatsumi:"His killer is dead now, the rest of them had no involvment. We won't be attacking the rest of them."

Suzaku:"You don't give order's around here, boy. I do."

Tatsumi:"Last time i checked, Mudi was the one having to give order's because you were off in the mountan staying out of the fighting, you were acting like a coward."

Suzaku:"You seem to forget your place, boy. You are a spy and you will remain that, who do you think you are?"

Tatsumi:"I think i'm, Tatsumi motherfucking Hasashi, now you listen here, punk. We've been busting our asses down here while you've been hiding up in the mountan's, you didn't want to do anything so you ran off, don't give me any bullshit that you're the leader because you sure aren't acting like one. We aren't attacking the Elite Seven's base and undoing all of the work we've done so far."

Suzaku:"We attack at dawn tomorrow, that's final."

As he walked away i pulled out Wrath and fired a bullet passed him leaving a slight cut on his face, he looked back at me with a serious look in his eye's.

Tatsumi:"From now on, i'm the leader. And i say we leave the Elite Seven out of this. I'm already working on tearing them apart from the inside and we don't need to reverse the work we're getting done."

Suzaku:"This conversation isn't over, boy."

Tatsumi:"That's boss to you."

This, Suzaku guy is a trash leader, so until i can get Mudi settled into the leader's possition i'll be taking lead. After he left i went to, Mashiro's room to see if she needed anything.

Tatsumi:"Mashiro, it's me. Do you need anything?"

Mashiro:"I'm fine."

She was just sitting on her bed drinking a bunch of alcohal seemingly just trying to forget about it all.

Mashiro:"Me and Kouga promessed eachother, that we'd change this country,-

Mashiro:"Me and Kouga promessed eachother, that we'd change this country,-

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-But that drean was stolen from me, i won't forgive them for this. I'm not sure if i'll stay or if i'll just go out on my own for this. You won't change my mind about this so don't even try."

Tatsumi:"I'm not gonna, you're in your own right's to choose your own path. But you shouldn't feel like you're alone in this either."

Mashiro:"You know how it feel's first hand to lose someone, hell i'd even go as far to say we're one in the same but it still hurt's. I don't know what to do, it's the first time in forever that i've felt like this and i hate feeling like this. So you tell me, what would Kouga say?"

Tatsumi:"I wish i could tell you, but i know deep down that he would follow you anywhere you went, he would be proud of you no matter what."

Mashiro:"That does sound like him, thank you for that. H-Hey."


Mashiro:"Can you stay here tonight? I still have to get back into sleeping alone again, so maybe if i ease into it slowly it'll be easer to sleep alone sooner?"

I wasn't sure what to say, but if it made her feel even just a little better i was ready for anything.


Mashiro:"Thank you, kid.":(He's no Kouga, but he's not a bad kid. He's just as kind hearted as Kouga is.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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