Ch 94 [Lustful Lioness]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V


Leone:"*Giggle* That's what they call me."

Me, and Sheele had just been "Very Intimate" if you catch my meaning. And, Leone walked in completely naked on us.

Tatsumi:"Wh-What the hell are you doing here!?"

Leone:"Well, i saw you two weren't at base and decided to come looking for you, and oh boy did i get quite the show."

Sheele:"D-Don't tell boss, please!"

Leone:"I won't tell, on one condition."

Tatsumi:(Oh fucking fuck, i think i know where this is going, and i don't like it one bit.)

Leone:"You see, i was kinda playing with myself and got all riled up and such when i was watching you two. So, if you can sadisfy me i'll drop it and i won't tell a soul about what i saw here."

Me, and Sheele didn't see any other way out of this so we went along with it. Oh boy, what did i get myself into.

Leone's P.O.V

Heh, i still got it. After convincing, Tatsumi, and Sheele to let me in on their fun i possisioned myself over, Tatsumi's rod and forced myself down onto it.

Leone:"Guh! Y-You're bigger than i thought, phew this might be harder than i thought at first glance."

I guess he wasn't gonna wait for me to get my yapping over with, he grabbed my hip's and started moving me up and down himself.

Leone:"Hahhhh, h-hey n-not fair th-that's ch-cheating ahhhhh! Hahhhh ohhhhh hahhhh t-too big ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh h-harder ohhhhh!"

Sheele:"Mind if i cut it?"

Sheele began sucking on one of my breast while squeezing the other, i've never been in a situation like this being teamed up on by a guy and a girl, but i'm not exactly upset by it, it's actually kinda fun. To get back at, Sheele i started rubbing her little sweet place making her slightly bite down on my breast.

Leone:"Ahhhhh, y-you like that? Hahhhh fuck fuck t-too good hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh fucking fuck ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh y-yes yes ahhhhh!"

Sheele:"Hmmm mhhhh hmmm mhhhh!"

Tatsumi:(Damnit, sun's starting to rise in the distance. Gonna have to pick up the pace.)

Tatsumi started fucking me a whole lot faster than a minute ago, is he getting close?

Leone:"AHHHH HAHHHH F-FUCK FUCK OHHHHH! H-Hey ease up, i'm sensitive down th-there. Hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh f-fucking hell ohhhhh yes yes yes ahhhhh hahhhh!"

Sheele:"Hmmm hmmm mhhhh hmmm!"

Leone:(Y-Yes, s-soo good and r-rough! C-Can't think straight, a-at this rate i-i'll end up saying t-the L word w-without a p-proper confession!):"Hahhhh ahhhhh! I-I love you! I fucking l-love you, f-fill my fucking womb with your l-love juice! Hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh hahhhh hahhhh ahhhhh!"

Sheele:"Hmmm mhhhh mhhhh hmmm!"

I could feel that both myself, and Sheele were about to burst but i wasn't sure about, Tatsumi.

Leone:"T-Tatsumi, i-i'm gonna!"

Leone+Sheele+Tatsumi:"HAHHHH AHHHHH!"

His seed filled my womb to the brim and it was amazing.

Leone:"Hahhhh, s-soo good. H-Hey, Sheele?"

Sheele:"Y-Yes, Leone?"

Leone:"How 'bout a round or two with just you and me?"

Sheele:"I-If, T-Tatsumi's okay with it."

Tatsumi:"Sure, i don't really care, it's getting to be morning anyway so i have to hustle back to base."

Leone;"Okay, see ya later. And as for you, Sheele, bring that beautiful body over here, we're gonna have a lot of fun."


Tatsumi:(Fuckin' animal. Is, Leone ever sadisfide?)

Tatsumi went back to base while me, and Sheele had some fun for the rest of the early morning.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Keep an eye on my alt account ShadowYeager77. I'll have something going up there in a while.|

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