Chapter 3

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I turned around and crossing my arms while i glared at him.

"What the hell are you doing?! You can't be in here, it's the girls toilet or have your cock finally fallen off?" i asked annoyed and turned to the mirror again.

Imagine that i couldn't even get away from him in the toilet, i thought and pulled new paper out of the holder.

"Ouch, that dosen't look good" Thomas said, close behind me so that i met his gaze in the mirror.

"Did you want something or?" i contiuned without letting go of his gaze.

"Come on now, stop being so mad, it was just an accident" he said, crossing his arms.

Seriously? are he really standing there and saying it was an accident and that i should stop being mad? i gave him a death glare before closing my eyes for a second and taking a deep breath. Try to gather yourself together now Y/n, otherwise you wouldn't be able to meet the consequences.

"You think i'm mad? Then haven't you seen me when i'm really mad at someone but i'm really mad at you! Who the hell do you think you fucking are and tells me how unattractive i am, like who does that to someone and it's the bloody hell your fault that i look like a fucking idiot, right now!" i said with so much hate in my voice and i could have sworn i saw flashes shooting out of his eyes when i met his dark gaze, a little dangerous smile made it up on his lips.

I took a deep breath and tried to get my breathing under control again, damm it! my little out brust made my pulse rush.

"If there was nothing more, you can go now" i said briefly and threw the paper in the trash. I turned around and ended up against his chest, this was not a part of my plan.

"Can you move?" i said, looking up and meeting his smile, which was even more dangerous than the mirror
had showed.

"Do you really want to know?" he mumbled and leaned forward so our lips only were a few inches apart. So close that i could feel his breath against my lips. I swallowed nervously before i tried to laugh, this was completely absurd!

"Were you going to kiss me, seriously? Wasn't it enough to get my head crushed and now you want me to vomit too? Come on move, my class has probably started already" i said and pushed him backwards so that i can walk past him to the door but i stopped of what he said.

"I was going to apologize for yesterday but i like this angry side of you, it's hot" he said with a smirk as he leaned against the sink i was just standing at.

"Seriously, would that be a compliment? And who's going on that silly lie?"

"More than you think".

"I really feel sorry for the girls you are fooling around with your 'made-up charm' just to get fucked".

"So you think i'm charming? Flattering but the thing about feeling sorry for those i fuck, don't need to beacuse i can promise you that they are enjoying it, you might even want to try?" he said with that stupid smirk again.

For a short while i thought he was joking at first but the more i look at his face, i see he is deadly serious. Oh my god ewww, this conversation had taken a completely turn than i had expected, a conversation that i really didn't want to have with anyone and absolutley not someone like Thomas. He really stood there and offered me to sleep with him, i would rather run around the whole school naked than sleep with him, again ewwww.

"Ha! Keep dreaming of that your bastard" i said quickly and turned around, hurried out of the toilet and leave him alone in there.

When i came out in the corridor it was comeplely deserted, i looked at my watch and saw that i already was 10 minutes late for my class. I ran to my class and opened the door as quietly as i could be it wasn't quiet enough beacuse now was everyone's eyes on me.

"I have been at the nurse" i pointed my head before walking to the empty seat next to Brooke.

"You weren't at the nurse, why are you so late?" whispered Brooke curiously.

"I tell you later" i whispered back and started looking for my bag.

The door opened again and i automatically turned around and saw Thomas come in with my bag in his hand. Fuck!

"You forgot this" he said with a smirk, as the rest of his idiot friends started whistling all over the room.

"Everyone shut up! Go and sit down Thomas so we can contiune with our class" said the teacher sharply as i quickly took my bag from him. Maybe it was lucky that half of my head was red beacuse now start my cheeks to get the same color. I shook my head slightly, i didn't have to be a mind reader to know what everyone was thinking right now.

I opened my bag and picked out the books we were going to have before i slowly turned my gaze to Brooke and met her suprised reaction.

"Calm down, i explain for you later, it's not what you think".

"You better explain beacuse it looks like you and Thomas just have fucked!"

"You know i would never do anything like that so you can clam down"

"I actually never understood why you don't have, he's your type of guy and good in bed, according to the rumors of course"

"Are you serious? I don't even understand how someone wants to sleep with him just beacuse he looks good when he behaves like a fucking idiot afterwards"

"How do you know he's behaving like a idiot afterwards? You haven't sleep with him so you can't know and stop being so mad now"

It was the second time i heard it today, was i really that mad? i might have been a little irritable but not mad, right? i sighead and flipped through the book the page we ended up on. I felt unfocused during the class, my head ached more and more and it didn't get better because everyone stared at me with whore stamped in their eyes and it did not help that Thomas sat and stared at as if.......i don't know what but.....what the hell does he really want me? embarrass me more? it wasn't needed to beacuse he had already damaged my head and has already ruined my reputation in 24 hours, a really successful start on the week.

I put my hands over my face and jerked back as soon as my fingers touched the swelling.

"Bloody hell" i mumbled and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Brooke whispered.

"Not really, my head hurts like hell. I have to go home" it was true but not the whole truth. I just wanted to get out of here, out of everyone's eyes and out of Thomas. I just wanted to go home and crawl under the covers and stay in bed until everything is as usual again.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No it's okay, i probably just need to rest a bit" i said and got up.

"See you tomorrow" i continued, while i collected my books and packed them in the bag.

"Call me if you need anything" she whispered.

I nodded and then hurried out of the classroom. I could not care if i got invalid absence, i still had good grades so it didn't matter if i missed a class or two.

When i came out of the front door, i stopped on the stairs and took a deep breath. Fresh air, just what i needed right now.

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