Chapter 99

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I woke up to a knock on my front door. I looked at the TV and saw that the movie had ended, probably a long time ago since it was very dark outside. With a yawn i stretched, how long had i really slept? i thought but jumped when it knocked again.

With my heart in the pit of my throat i sat up. I tried to find my phone in the dark but realized it was still in my bag. Shit.

Slowly i crept out to the hall and i think i saw someone through the small window in the door. It felt like i was in a horror movie as i slowly turned the lock, not because someone was going to break in and kill me but i was all alone in a big dark house. Why hadn't i turned on any lights? it hit me but it was already too late.

I opened the door slowly with the blanket tightly wrapped around my body. My eyes widened as i gasped and shook my head to make sure i wasn't dreaming.

"Finally you opened the door, were you sleeping or?"

Thomas opened the door fully and pushed his way in so that i was close to falling backwards.

"What....what are you doing here?" i stammered, hugging the blanket even tighter to my body.

"It's not over" he said and before i knew it i felt his lips pressed hard against mine.

"I maybe acted like an idiot but you are such a pain in the ass sometimes, asking stupid questions and you never listen, you always choose to misunderstand everything i say or do, but bloody hell Y/n, it's not over" said he, almost desperately, before he kissed me again.

"Okay" i gasped, what else could i do?

Thomas lifted me into his arms so i put my arms around his neck so the blanket fell to the floor. He stumbled into the living room with his lips pressed hard against mine.

I couldn't help but laugh as we fell onto the couch but the laughter died when I met Thomas gaze.

"Never leave me like that again" he said and stroked my cheek with his hand.

"I got angry" i said but my voice choked so i cleared my throat quickly. I wasn't nervous, more shocked by the whole situation.

"You were the one who said you shouldn't run away when it got tough" he said and kissed me on the corner of the mouth.

"I know" i mumbled and swallowed a moan.

"I guess it's 1-1 between us now."

"No more games" i moaned as he kissed down my neck.

"This isn't a game Y/n, but sometimes you do and say things you don't mean, you understand?" he said, flicking his tongue over my collarbone so i gasped.

"Thomas, please" i cooed as my body began to tremble.

He quickly took off his jacket, which i had completely forgotten he was still wearing, before finding his way back to my lips again. With such eager his tongue met mine and i lifted myself up against him, just to feel him as close as possible.

"Are you....are you home alone?" he gasped as he quickly pulled my shirt off.

Without answering i grabbed his shirt and kissed him all over his stomach and chest until his shirt was completely gone.

After the fight i wanted him more than ever before. Maybe he felt the same because i had probably never seen Thomas so impatient. Quickly he removed my pants and buried himself between my legs.

He licked, sucked and caressed so i could barely breathe with pleasure. I moved under him, all to urge him to release the tension.

With a loud moan my whole body tensed and the accompanying explosion sent me floating somewhere else as he continued to lick and caress until i couldn't take it anymore.

I could hear him unbuttoning his pants even though i was on a completely different planet so when he laid on top of me all i could do was wrap my legs around his waist.

With the taste of me on his lips he kissed me so hard as he slowly slid into me and let out a relieved sigh when he got all the way in. He paused deeply inside me for a few seconds before he slowly slid out.

I urged him to continue but he took it teasingly and slowly. I could hear him enjoying it, both teasingly but also slowly. I couldn't help but agree, there was something special about taking it easy, feeling every millimeter of each other, something we hadn't had time to do before. It was almost painful but nice before he finally started rocking his hips harder and faster .

Again and again he thrust harder so i gasped louder and louder until i felt him tense up his whole body and let out a loud moan.

I don't know if it took seconds, minutes, or hours before he collapsed on top of me, totally pumped. Sweaty and panting we continued to kiss as if we had been apart for months. Seriously, the few hours we were apart after the fight suddenly felt like years.

"Are we okay?" he murmured against my lips.

I slowly opened my eyes and nodded. I was close to crying again, with relief this time, when i looked into his beautiful brown eyes that were so clear in the darkness.

"Yeah, we are okay" i whispered.

Sure, sex doesn't solve anything but he could have said just about anything and i would have said it was okay. Just him being here had made me let go of any doubts i had about us. Maybe it wouldn't have been so stupid for him to think for a bit, i thought as Thomas got up from the couch, leaving an unwelcome loneliness behind. Silly, i know.

"Have you watched a movie?" he asked, a little awkwardly as he pulled on his pants.

"Uh yes, or i mean no, i fell asleep and missed the whole movie" i said and sat up on the couch.

It actually felt a little awkward between us now that the heat had cooled, or really awkward, as Thomas just nodded and pulled the sweater over his head. Like i said, sex didn't solve anything but he was here and we were still together that was all that mattered.

"Do you want to see another movie?" he continued, sitting down next to me.

"Sure, but what time is it anyway?"

"Half past eleven i think."

"Oh, good luck getting to sleep tonight" i said ironically with a laugh, never that i would be able to sleep now.

"Do you want me to stay over?" he muttered, looking down.

"Um yeah" i said a little nervously in my voice.

"Okay, because i really want to stay" he said turning his gaze to me so i smiled at him and took a deep breath.

I didn't know what to say, or why it felt so awkward. We had just had sex but should i say anything about the fight? everything was fine between us so....

"Sorry know, yelling at you like that, i didn't know why i did it" he said and took my hand so i swallowed the small lump that had formed in my throat. I hadn't expected that.

"Me too, for asking idiotic questions" i said so he laughed. It felt a little bit better when he laughed.

"Why does it has to be so complicated" he mumbled and leaned towards me.

"Mm, but i think we are messing it up for us" i whispered and laughed.

"Maybe, but i hate fighting with you like that" he whispered, brushing his lips over mine.

I couldn't help but agree so i leaned forward and sighed contentedly as he pulled me into his arms and deepened the kiss.

"What do you say? Shall we watch a movie?" he continued between kisses.

"Mm, but we can go up to my room, if we happen to fall asleep" i said and kissed him one last time before getting up.

I looked around for my clothes. It was dark and I wasn't going to sleep in my clothes anyway so i left them lying somewhere on the floor, i might as well grab them tomorrow, i thought and kept the blanket tightly wrapped around my body.

Thomas took my hand and led me through the darkness up the stairs. Once we were inside my room i put on new panties and a sweater while Thomas took out the computer.

As we crawled under the covers i felt the butterflies return to my stomach, even more so when Thomas put one arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

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