Chapter 41

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How do you answer that? he wants me? yeah right, like i would believe that? probably he just wants to fuck and yes, maybe that knowledge alone made my blood heat up and my pulse race frighteningly fast.

But he had that influence on me whether i wanted it or not. Crazy annoying but at the same time it was a wonderful feeling, knowing that someone wanted me. Even though this someone was Thomas and that he just wanted me to fuck.

With a sigh, i put the phone down. I was fully aware that he was not sitting more than a meter away from me. Certainly more than pleased with my obvious reaction.

What was Brooke up to? i thought, twisting myself a little unfunny. Suddenly it just felt awkward to sit here all by myself. I picked up the phone again only to see a new text message appear on the display.

Thomas 11:14 p.m
What are you thinking about sweetie?

Quickly i turned and tapped him on the shoulder, so silly to be sitting texting when we were less than a meter apart.

"If you want something from me, you can actually talk to me. I'm still sitting here."

"Maybe, but i thought texting was a bit more exciting, and a bit more discreet" he said and slowly turned to me.

"What discreet? We are not directly talking about any secrets" i said with a laugh and shook my head slightly.

"No? Wasn't it you who wanted to keep this between us a secret?" he whispered and winked flirtatiously before turning the chair fully towards me.

"There is nothing between us!" i hissed briefly and looked around. Maybe we should have stuck to textning anyway.

"Of course it is, you know that too sweetie" he continued provocatively with a smirk on his lips.

I knew right away he was trying to turn me on but it wasn't going to work, not this time. That was enough drama for today.

"Your talk doesn't work on me, have you forgotten that?" i said, snorting but couldn't help the small laugh that left my lips.

"That's the best thing about you" he said seriously so i raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Seriously now, is everything cool between you and Brooke?" he continued, leaning forward towards me.

"Uh, yeah it worked out between us" i said and swallowed.

"Good to hear" he said smiling.

There was a silence between us they were anything but comfortable. There was so much left unsaid between us but it was not a conversation to have in a cafeteria full of curious eyes and ears.

"What did you mean it was all my fault?" he asked quietly, seeking my gaze. I really didn't want to talk about this, especially not now.

"Thomas, I-"

"There you are! We thought we would bring the coffee and go out for a walk, we still have like half an hour before we start again" said Brooke and leaned into Dylan's arms.

I glanced at Thomas, who looked away and stared down at his mobile. Even though Brooke and i had become friends again, the atmosphere between Thomas and Dylan wasn't the best, but that wasn't my problem, i thought, standing up.

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