Chapter 57

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I woke up with a jolt and blinked sleepily a few times. I must have fallen asleep. But what was that annoying sound that had awakened my subconscious? i yawned and closed my eyes again, if i was going to play sick now i might as well sleep away the whole day, what else would i do?

The annoying sound filled the room again. With a sigh, i sat up and looked around. What an alarm that went off? i thought for a brief second but quickly had second thoughts about what familiar sounds were echoing in the room. The phone. Of course it was the phone that was left in my jacket. I raised my arms above my head and yawned once more. I really didn't feel like talking to anyone. Not that i was keeping track of the time but Brooke should stay on the hill a little while longer as the sun was still shining through the window.

In pure protest i laid back down on the bed and reached for the TV control. I wasn't going to answer, i wasn't even going to pick up the phone. Okay, i was curious, who wouldn't be? maybe it was my mom who had called? i hesitated for a second. No, i wouldn't pick up the phone. Whoever it was that had called, that person could wait. But hell what it received.

To occupy my itchy fingers, i zap around between the different channels. Did people even watch TV today? i thought when the programs were anything but not good.

I turned off the TV because there was nothing to watch. Of course i would stay in the room but this was just too tragic, even for me.

I closed my eyes again. What if it had been my mom who called earlier, what if something had happened to her? my inner voice was really working hard for me to get up and get the phone. Which i wouldn't do. I shook my head slightly to convince myself, i wasn't going to let curiosity win.

The silence settled like a blanket over the room and made my body crawl. What was i supposed to do? the phone drew me like a magnet. Maybe i should just see who had tried to call me and then put the phone away again? good there Y/n, i thought, laughing at my own stupidity.

I was really lying here and having an inner dialogue with myself, as if it would change something, i would not pick up the phone! it didn't matter how many reasons i came up with why i should pick it up. Deep down i knew why i didn't want to know who had tried to reach me. What if i got to see Thomas's name light up the display or maybe even worse.....that it wasn't his name that was there.

Did i want to talk to Thomas? the answer was! but what if he wanted to talk to me? but please Y/n what would he like to talk to you about? i thought, rolling my eyes. I mean Thomas-

I jumped when it rang again. Maybe it was my mom after all? my curiosity won by far so i hurried out of bed and walked away towards the hall. It was stupid, damn stupid, but what if someone was looking for me because something had actually happened. I would never forgive myself if that was the case and that i refused to answer just to defy my curiosity.

I picked up my jacket and dug into my pocket when i heard it ring again. Oh my god, what the hell had happened? i started to feel a little panicky when i finally got my hands on the phone. Let's see.

Frowning, i took a deep breath and read the display. Fuck. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when the hand fell down my side. I would never have picked up the phone.

Cry, that's apparently what my body decided to do when i saw the five missed calls from Thomas. Hadn't he tormented me enough? we had nothing more to talk about so what did he want me for?

I threw the phone away towards the bed and leaned against the bathroom door. I didn't want to cry anymore, cry over him. That was one thing i had promised myself, i would never let Thomas hurt me. I knew better than that. Why was i standing here in a hotel room in the mountains and crying over Thomas Sangster?

It would feel better if i got mad, i hated feeling hurt because it wasn't his fault. I knew he would never want me for anything other than sex so why was i sad anyway? i was single so bloody hell no, i would sit here sulking because of him. He had made it clear that there was nothing more between us so then i didn't have to think about him anymore. Which was impossible. But that's how it had to be!

Out of the anger i felt a new energy bubble up. I would take a long bath, fix myself up kylie style. Then i would dine with the others as if i cared for nothing but myself. It was the best plan i have had in a long time. I would really like to thank Brooke for persuading me to pack some nice clothes. Now Thomas would all see what he had missed, i thought mockingly.

Maybe i should text Ace? sure, maybe it wasn't very nice after what happened earlier but he was really good looking and the only one i knew here who wasn't from school. Besides, i was single and actually pretty horny, so why not? i was hardly the first and certainly not the last to come up with a simple holiday sex.

I immediately felt it hit me in the stomach. Okay, i got to see the thing about sleeping with him. But maybe he wanted to meet, hang out for a while and we see what happened. You didn't actually have to plan everything in advance. Not only was he good looking, he was also fun to be around and that was just what i needed. Just have fun at least one night during this trip.

Before i could regret it, i went to bed and picked up my phone. Thomas hadn't called again and i was glad for that. I really didn't want to talk to him. If you are going to lie to yourself you should get better at it, my inner voice said but i just snorted. I didn't want to talk to him!

I deleted all the missed calls and printed out another text to Ace, but what the hell was i supposed to write? i thought and took a deep breath.

Y/n 2:03 p.m
Hi, i just wanted to say sorry for what happened today. I wonder if you meet up tonight?

I waited with my breath in my throat and my heart beating so hard it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. What if he didn't answer? though it wouldn't surprise me, he had no reason to answer. He probably wanted nothing more to do with me. But maybe he was working and would reply later? or whatever, dream on.

New hope shot through my body when i saw the little dots in the bubble that showed he was writing. He would at least answer so i hoped he wanted to see me. Getting rejected twice in the same day wouldn't exactly boost my self-esteem.

Ace 2:09 p.m
Hey Y/n! sure, would like to meet but i'm working until 19, i can contact you then.

I let out a small squeal of joy and pressed the phone to my chest. Damn, so nice that he didn't say no, or didn't answer at all. It made my plan feel extra good. I would take a long bath, make myself as damn pretty as i could, and then have as much fun as i could without thinking about tomorrow. It had to end depressing now.

Y/n 2:13 p.m
Fun! looking forward to it.

Ace 2:14 p.m
I agree, see ya.

They usually say that time heals all wounds. well, i had about four hours to heal before i would probably see Thomas again at dinner. But i could handle it. It wasn't hard to put on a mask outwardly to hide how you really felt and if there was one thing i was good at when it came to Thomas, it was putting on a mask. I would fix it. I have to fix it! the last thing i wanted was for him to see how hurt i really was, because honestly, four hours was never going to get me over Thomas, not even close, no matter how much i tried to tell myself that.

I cleared my throat and began to take off one garment at a time which i threw on the bed. I would take a long bath to collect myself. This evening was sure to drain me of energy, of that i could be absolutely sure. But drain me emotionally or physically? no one knew that.

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