Chapter 27

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I hurried into the dressing room and couldn't have been more thankful that it was empty. What the hell was i doing

I went and sat on the bench where i had hung my clothes. With my face in my hands i leaned forward and took a few deep breaths. The pulse was still beating too hard in my chest.

This was exactly what wasn't allowed to happen! as i said, Thomas had kissed me once before and after that i knew....well, what? that i wanted him? i didn't want him but his kisses promised so much more. Something more that I definitely wanted!

I know i was always overanalyzing things but honestly, what would be the worst thing about sleeping with thomas? that people would gossip about me? no one needed to know, besides, it didn't have to mean anything more than sex and it was only sex i was after. But have sex with Thomas?

I sighed and stood up. everything felt so confusing that my head was spinning. The memory of his lips still tingled inside me and the craving in my stomach had barely let up.

I quickly took off all my clothes until i had not a thread left on my body. A shower was just what i needed right now, warm rays to soften alone in the large dressing room. So damn wonderful.

I hung the towel on one of the hooks outside the shower room. Although i was alone, i crept up to one of the showers and turned on the faucet. I jumped, as always, from the cold water and waited patiently for it to warm up.

When i felt the running water with my hand, i really longed to stand under the rays, to cool off while the heat would make me relax, i was completely convinced of that.

The water quickly warmed up so when the first rays washed over me i sighed contentedly. I was right, this was exactly what i needed! for a long time i just stood and closed my eyes while the water rushed over me.

Although the water was now warm, i felt a rush go through my body so that the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I opened my eyes and spun half a turn and gasped.

I wanted to scream, i wanted to swear, i wanted to.....there were no words to describe everything i wanted when i met Thomas's gaze that drilled into me so that the water still running over me felt like burning lava.

We just stood and stared at each other, i had almost forgotten that i was standing completely naked.....and wet, in more ways than one. It tingled uncontrollably and the longing in my body rose at rocket speed as he devoured me with his eyes. Had anyone ever looked at me like that? with such fervor that i wanted to throw myself around his neck and let him do exactly what he wanted to me.

He didn't say anything but i could see his breathing becoming more and more heavier. I could hear my breathing getting heavier too and when i saw Thomas rip off his shirt i gasped loudly. He was more handsome than i could have ever imagined. The entire upper body was covered in muscle, how was that even possible?

But that wasn't the only thing that made my body tremble. When he took off his pants i felt like i was going to collapse. Feeling hot at the memory of saying he had a little.... well, let's just say that wasn't true. Not even close and that time i caressed him over his jeans hadn't done him justice to what now held my gaze captive.

I gasped for air with every step he took, but he didn't rush. He let me review him and yes i did. I stared excitedly without trying to hide it, because i had never seen such a perfect body. When he was almost there, i filled my lungs with air and waited anxiously for what would happen, what he would do when he was at my place. I mean, his whole body oozes sex. Why else would he be here? naked too.

"Thomas" i gasped as he stood under the water so our bodies were touching.

He looked down at me without saying a word. I swallowed nervously as he placed his hands on my cheeks and slowly lowered himself onto me. Against my lips. There ended everything that could be described as calm.

He kissed me so intensely that i automatically brought my hands up and hugged his shoulders for balance as my legs were close to giving way.

When my tongue met his i fell into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. He caressed my breasts, hugging and teasing my already sensitive nipples so i gasped shakily.

The water was still running over us and if you used your imagination you could imagine we were standing under a waterfall and not in the girls shower in the gym i thought and lightly wrapped my fingers around his wet hair so a growling moan left his lips as he wrapped his arms around mine waist.

"This isn't a game Y/n, say you want me" he murmured with such desperate eagerness that i gasped as he pulled me closer to him so his hard stance was pressed against my stomach.

"I want you" i murmured against his mouth until i felt him grab my ass and lift me into his arms.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and deepened the kiss as he braced himself against the cold tile wall cooling against my burning skin. He nailed me and continued to kiss me greedily along my neck as he deftly guided himself right to my wet opening.

The moment he pushed in i met his gaze and saw something i had never seen before.....tenderness and an immense relief.

I moaned as he began to rock his hips, rhythmically in and out that i felt every inch of him inside me.

The water lapped between us and i couldn't tear my eyes away from him. He looked me deep in the eyes with each thrust and i knew i was lost. As he leaned forward i met his lips and felt him pick up the pace so that my whole insides tightened around him. I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes when the last thrust caused me to fall over the cliff that i so deeply longed for.

I closed loudly as my whole body stiffened from the orgasm that washed over me so that my eyes went black and i flew away in a completely different dimension.

Even though i was pumped i felt him swell inside me before he pulled out and let out a loud moan while i was still in his arms.

I was glad that the water flowed freely because i couldn't stop the tears that came out of relief. Total relief to have released all the tension that had built up inside me for far too long.

When i opened my eyes i met thomas smile, no amused grin, no sneer in his eyes, but an honest soft smile before he kissed me hard and slowly let go of me.

I was glad he was still holding me because i barely had any feeling left in my legs.

"So damn nice" he murmured against my hair as he hugged me.

"Mm, it really was" i whispered, feeling in my heart that i really meant it.

Only that it had been too good, way too good and just like with the first kiss, i wished this had never happened. Although that was not entirely true.

I wouldn't regret it and although i would never admit it, it was the best sex i ever had. And in the shower at school. I couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like in a cozier place.

But i wasn't so naive that i actually thought this would happen again. I had had sex with Thomas so now he could cross me off his list.

But i wouldn't regret anything, it would have been far too good for that.

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