Chapter 33

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I sat quietly at the dining table and tried to listen attentively to mom talking about all sorts of things while my thoughts ran wild. Again, yesterday Thomas had ingnored me like earlier in the week but that time i understood him. Maybe was exaggerating a bit but he could fire me on all cylinders like no one else.

I glanced at Dylan who surprisingly was home this saturday evening. Sure it was only nearing seven a.m but still, when was the last time he would been home on a saturday night?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I didn't know if it was like that in all families, but mother had the strict rule that no phones at the dinner table. I screwed up a bit when i felt the phone vibrate again. Maybe it was something important?

"What are you doing tonight sweetheart?" Mom asked, smiling.

"Brooke is coming over, we are going to pack for the ski trip," i answered quickly and felt a panic spread through my body when the phone vibrated again.

"And you Dylan? Are you staying home tonight?" she continued in a voice as if she already knew the answer to that question.

After all, she was our mother with a supernatural power to know things without us having to say anything. Although in Dylan's case, everyone could probably figure out that the answer to that question was no.

"I will be home" he said and leaned back in his chair.

"What?" i said out loud.

"I live here too, so i can be at home, right?" he continued with a grin on his face. Aha....Brooke was supposed to come here. Of course he would be home by then.

"You can probably watch a movie or something together" said mother so cheerfully that i raised my eyebrows skeptically.

"I'm going to be with Brooke" I said and put the cutlery on the empty plate.

"You all can hang out Y/n, i don't want to hear about any trouble while i'm at work."

I wanted to burst out laughing at the same time i wanted to slap Dylan as the smirk on his face grew. Although i suppose if i slaped him it would count as a fight.

"I will take care of the girls, don't worry mom" Dylan said giving mom one of those smiles that would make any sullen girl shine.

"I know honey, but call me if there's anything" she said, giving us each a meaningful look. We were fucking adults now and not teenagers.

I sighed and stood up. Brooke would surely be happy when she would know that Dyla would be home, i thought as i rinsed the plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

"Thanks for the food" i said and hurried away towards the stairs.

I took out the phone but didn't have much more time before i heard that Dylan was right behind me.

"What do you want?" i asked curtly and quickly turned around.

"What are you two going to do tonight?" Dylan asked, that annoyed grin still reflected on his lips.

"How so?" i snapped and started up the stairs.

"Like mom said, we can all hang out?" he continued, following me disturbingly close.

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