Chapter 16

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"Can i really wear this?" i asked, squirming a little unfunny in front of the mirror.

"Of course you can, you are absolutely gorgeous" Brooke replied as she stood next to me in an equally tight, short and insanely revealing dress.

I met her gaze and furrowed my brows skeptically. Sure, the dress was really nice, but it was very short. Very very short. But it would definitely fulfill its function in the game, that was one thing for sure.

"We kind of look like two whores," i said and snorted as i turned my gaze to the mirror.

"No we don't, sure they are a bit challenging but come on, it's a party and we look like we are going to a nightclub."

"But we shouldn't," i mumbled and reached for the toiletry bag with all the make-up i had brought with me.

We had decided to get ready at Brooke's house in case my brother was home before the party. I would be very surprised if Dylan didn't go to the party but i don't want to risk being spotted with a dress as small as a dishcloth.

"Stop being so negative, you know as well as i do that everyone has similar dresses when it's a party."

"I have never had a dress this short before."

"The better. Then everyone will get a shock when they see you, especially Thomas."

"Yeah, maybe you are right" i mumbled as i applied another coat of mascara.

"Of course i have. We will fix the last thing now Then we will leave" she continued, leaving me still standing in front of the mirror with a cloud of worry in my stomach.

Once the hair, make-up and dress were in place, i downed the last of the cider i had left and spun around in front of the mirror. Despite my somewhat negative attitude, i have to admit that i looked pretty darn good. Usually at parties i used to just dress in black baggy jeans and a tank top. So this was something completely new and the more i scrutinized myself in the mirror, the more i felt the cloud of worry dissipate and a swarm of butterflies fill my stomach. This was going to be really fun, whatever happened.

"We are looking so hot" i said giggling as i turned to face Brooke who was draining the last of her bottle.

"Yeah we do, now we are going to party!"

With stifled laughter we left Brooke's room and slipped out the front door as quietly as we could. As i said, the dress was really short and even though i had a jacket on, i couldn't help but shiver from the cold that penetrated through.

We arrived at the bus stop just in time for the bus to arrive. it was Saturday night so of course the bus was packed with people. But it didn't matter. I felt really warm inside although the cold still made me shiver. It was as if all the adrenaline in the world was pumping in the blood the further away we went. Jake had texted me the address to Thomas house, which i would never admit i already knew. I had never been to Thomas but come on, it was my brother's friend so it wasn't so strange if i actually knew where he lived. That i had looked it up was another matter entirely.

"Are you excited?" Brooke whispered, pulling a new cider out of her bag.

"Absolutely, now i just want to get there. But you gotta help me, i don't really know what to do yet but what if Thomas throws us out?"

"Help you with what and why would he throw us out? We're girls, girls are always welcome."

"Hm, maybe everyone except me, but it will turn out."

"I should think you're extra welcome" she muttered and laughed before taking a sip and handing the bottle to me.

"But what can i really help you with? I'm there, but what can i do?"

"You can keep Dylan busy. Otherwise he will ruin everything."

"Dylan? Seriously?"

"Yes, i know it's my brother and it's a lot to ask but can you sacrifice yourself for me? Just tonight?"

"Fine" she mumbled and i saw a red tinge spread across her cheeks. There you see.

"Do you like Dylan?" i asked amused.

"What no!" she gasped, blushing even more.

"Okay i hope that's not too much to ask then. I know he's an idiot but otherwise it's never going to work. Even if you don't believe it he's damn overprotective, especially when it comes to thomas. Don't ask me why."

"It will work out" she said shortly and turned her gaze out the window which made me burst out laughing.

As the bus slowed, we walked forward and stood by the doors. I pulled my jacket tighter around my body and braced myself for the cold that would meet us when the doors opened.

We walked with quick steps along the dark street. Or as fast as was possible in our high shoes but after a while we could hear music echoing among the houses. Even without Jake's description it probably wouldn't have been that hard to find there.

When we arrived and walked up the wide driveway, i once again felt the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Maybe nothing special would happen but now i was here, in the sexiest dress of my life and i couldn't make Thomas jealous, well then it was over for good. Which is actually what i wanted out of all this.

Once inside the hall we hung up our jackets and i took a look in the mirror. I pulled the hem of the dress a little, damn how short it was, and breathed in a deep breath. I would fix this.

I followed Brooke out to the kitchen and looked around curiously. Thomas's kitchen, i thought and smiled. He was fine at home, apart from all the beer cans and liquor bottles. I have no idea why that surprised me, but as i said, i didn't know Thomas.

Brooke opened and handed me another cider. We had gotten hold of a few ciders each but that had to be enough. At parties like these you were always invited and i certainly didn't expect to be assacked. Drunk absolutely, but not drinking so much that i risked passing out like Brooke had done last weekend.

I took a sip but was close to choking when i was embraced from behind in a strong grip.

"Damn what a sexy dress" he mumbled in my ear so i gasped.

"Jake!" i said somewhat shocked and turned around in his arms.

"I'm glad you came, so we can hang out, i mean" he said amused and looked flirtatiously so i felt his cheeks heat up.

Hanging out and hanging out, i heard in the tone of his voice what he meant by hanging out. But wasn't that exactly what i had wanted? or what Brooke had thought when she sent the text to Jake of all people. He was just like Thomas when it came to girls so yeah, that was exactly what Brooke had in mind.

I gasped again as he pulled me into his arms, so close i could feel every inch of his body.

"I know what you are doing" he whispered in my ear so that my knees trembled and my mouth went completely dry.

Damn it! i thought, closing my eyes for a brief second.

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