Chapter 38

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"I'm so in love!" said Brooke as we stepped through the front door to school on monday morning.

I wanted to roll my eyes. Of course i was happy for her but i would like to avoid knowing everything, at least a lot of details about her and Dylan's relationship.

"It's great Brooke but you have been together for like two days, can you really be in love then?" i said as we walked over to our lockers.

"You get together because you are in love and i havebeen in love with Dylan for several months."

I opened my locker and closed my eyes for a brief second. I was completely exhausted. since last saturday i had such a hard time sleeping, a million thoughts have been spinning in my head so i couldn't close my eyes and it annoyed me.

Nothing else had happened on saturday, he held my hand, don't ask me why and then he and Dylan left, barely a goodbye but just a short 'see ya' and it wasn't even directed at me but just in general.

I don't know how many times i have been close to sending an innocent text like, how is it? but realized that it wouldn't lead to anything good. That said, it might just have been a whim on his part because he hasn't heard from me since then either. Come on, holding hands during a movie wasn't exactly the step to the altar.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

I flinched and quickly turned around, blinking to find focus.

"Seriously, are you sleeping in your locker?" Brooke asked, bursting into laughter.

"Shut up, i'm so tired" i mumbled but couldn't stop another yawn.

"Why? What have you done?"

"Nothing special, i just slept badly."

Brooke hooked my arm as we started walking towards our first lesson. Though i tried not to think about it, about him, i found myself searching almost manically for a glimpse of Thomas. But to no avail, not even Jake or any of the gang were seen.

I shook my head as we entered the hall. I really have to toughen up, not act as if Thomas meant something to me, that i longed for him and as if a sight of him would make my whole day, that was completely crazy and not like me. I wasn't the one who longed, especially not for someone like Thomas.

"You need to fuck!" Brooke said happily, leaning back in her chair. Excuse you?

"What the hell do you know about that?"

"Come on, you are tired even though you can't sleep, are grumpy and obviously very irritated. You solve all that with sex."

She would just know, i thought as i raised my eyebrows at her questioningly. Sex was not the solution to my problems, rather the cause of them, as she so nicely put it, disturbing flaws.

"You don't know what you are talking about" i muttered and started flipping through one of the books i had in front of me.

"If it's one of us who gets fuck, it's me, a hell of a lot besides. Trust me, it helps."

"But please! It's my fucking brother you are sleeping with, do you really think i want to hear how fucking good he is at fucking? Huh? And just because you two are sleeping with each other, doesn't mean i have to fuck to solve all my problems!"

I must have accidentally said it, kind of shouted it, a little too loud because it went completely silent in the hall and Brooke's cheeks were now bright red while her eyes widened.

I took a breath and closed my eyes, it couldn't have been a worse start to the week.

I cleared my throat and slowly turned to the rest of the class who were suddenly on time for the lesson and staring at me, the teacher had also come and raised his eyebrows questioningly at the front of the hall. Congratulations on the award for the most wasted and pathetic person in the world, i thought, pursing my lips.

"Thanks...Y/n. If you don't want to say anything else i thought we were going to start class" the teacher said clearing his throat.

I leaned back in my chair with a sigh. It wasn't Brooke's fault that i slept badly, but she had somehow managed to push exactly the right button that made me explode.

"Sorry" i whispered but she just shook her head and when i glanced at her she looked completely tearful. Oh no.

I swallowed uncomfortably, i didn't meant to hurt her. I was happy for her and my little outburst had nothing to do with her. Although she couldn't know that, i haven't told her anything. If i had, she would surely have understood what it was about, but now it was too late. The damage was already done and i felt like the world's worst friend.

I rubbed my face as my phone vibrated in my pocket. Surely this was just the beginning of all the taunts i would now have to endure, i thought as i dug it out of my pocket.

Thomas 8:35 p.m
Problem sweetie?

I rolled my eyes and glanced away at Thomas and the gang. I met his amused gaze as he winked flirtatiously and smiled his most charming smile, only now it wasn't butterflies fluttering in his stomach, it was pure anger. Of course, he would mock me for my little fire speech.

Y/n 8:37 p.m

Thomas 8:39 p.m
Are you sure? That sounded like a problem i could help you with.

Y/n 8:40 p.m
For sure, i don't have to fuck to solve all the problems like some others.

Thomas 8:41 p.m
Sweetheart, sex makes everything better, you if anyone should know that.

I raised my eyebrows and glanced away at Thomas again, thankfully i didn't meet his eyes because he was just sitting and spinning with the phone in his hand and laughed with Jake and Will. They sure talk about you, make fun of you, said a small annoyed voice in my head.

Y/n 8:43 p.m
I don't know what you are talking about.

Thomas 8:44 p.m
Sure you know, how many orgasms are there now? 2?

I snorted quietly and put my phone down, let him taunt me. I have been through much worse and this wasn't very far from how it was before we slept together. Maybe that we were actually back to how things had been between us before we...

Thomas 8:47 p.m
Shall we bet that i can crack it in one night? that i can make you come with my fingers, tongue and cock until you beg me to stop.

Apparently we weren't back to what was before, i thought as my stomach sank. What the hell was he doing? i felt my cheeks heat up and i didn't dare glance away at him again. I could feel his gaze burning challengingly at me and i didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being turned on by just his words.

Thomas 8:50 p.m
I take that as a yes.

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