~Andriette Bennett~

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New life at Hogwarts, no family issues, no running away this is it

But without Andy's consent the issues still followed her but worse coming her way

The train stopped I looked up seeing an memorable and amazing structure that looks ahead of me I walked out seeing a giant smiling

"uhh hi?" I asked him confused

"you must be miss Bennett follow me" he instructed
I followed weary

"don't worry ay am Hagrid am hear to insure your safety to Hogwarts" he explains

i nodd still not trusting him "now let's get that wand of yours" i turned to him "don't need it sir" confused am sure albus would tell his...this about that

"I know about your business at home me and Bonnie are common to each other" he explains

I nod slowly "but?" I asked him knowing that's fitting into the sentence somewhere

"danger follows don't it when using magic?" He asked me

i roll my eyes and walk into Ollivanders I look around slightly satisfied

"what can I do for you mad'am?" I turned my head to a old guy standing behind the desk

"May I have a wand?" I asked him trying to stay polite I feel a tingle down my spine ugh hate being sweet

I hear the door bell ringing signals someone walking in I ignored it

"the wand don't just be in the hands of someone you need, it chooses it for you" he explains

"like bloodlines noted" i mutter
he must of heard me from nodding at me

"so what wand fits me then?" I asked him "someone who has an attitude" a young boy asked from his accent different to mine I turned to him smiling

"and who are you sir?" I asked him

"malfoy..draco malfoy" he introduced himself holding his hand out I looked down at his hand waiting to be shake'd? Or a deal? Wtf is this place I shake my head

"thanks for the offer from your name but I don't want it..got my own for a reason mr Malfoy" I explained

"speak to my so-I whisper a spell shutting his mouth using my magic looking at draco then an older version of him his dad? "It's a conversation sir don't interrupt" I said 'politely'

Someone clears there throat I undo the spell I turned around to the same man holding a wand "try this out say 'Lumos' loud and clearly" he explains I take it out of box

"Lumos.." I said loud and clearly it don't do anything but create a gast of wind

"ok let's try something else" he motions to put the wand back

I nod hearing snickers behind me I ignore them knowing an 'unforgettable curse' I smile at the corner of my mouth hiding it quickly as the man with another wand case came back I take it out to my clothes flying up shining

"looks like that's the one your mothers wand should of known passed down in generations" he explains proud

"may I say an unforgettable curse this once for them laughing at me well snickering?" I explain whispering to him

"just this once" he said softly

I smile softly and turned to them happy

"who to do it first?" I asked them beaming of joy

"do what?" Draco asked trying not to laugh his hardest "fail?" He said just before he laughs

"no and am sure you had the same problem with yours" I explained

frouning pointing my wand at his throat 'Crucio' I said loud and clear he whimpers in pain and looked at his dad staring at him straight giving no emotion 'Crucio' I repeated he grunts

"dare laugh at me and not with me I'll do more then that" I whisper to draco before walking out to hagrid walking up to me

"ahh I see you found the one" he said smiling

"yeah umm we're to next?" I said waving it up then back to my chest

"looks like you got everything your luggage has arrived there so no problem there let's go shall we" he said

I nod looking back at the wand place seeing them still in pain i undo the spell whispering so Hagrid can't hear me

"what was that young'on?" He asked

I turned to him "nothing you were saying?" I said him he continues the rules and other rubbish stuff

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