Mommys boy

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"Hermonie?" Me and darcy asked him "yes how did you know?" He asked "oh I don't know smelling her 4 steps behind me and because I walked in on you both twice but that's just a guess isn't it?" I asked him before getting up walking off feeling a sting on my arm "ah-FUCK" I curse I turn to mattheo "prickhead" I curse then continue walking out hearing them laugh

At the malfoy place cheaking every room behind every door in the cupboards in the basement the loft everywhere only finding kylo bracelet I look around the place I breath in and out thinking of Leo the crazy maniac with my blood he'll be hungry I look around for places hogsmade I go back to the riddle mansion "hogsmade please and there's a reason but I can't tell you about it yet" I asked mattheo he apparates me there looking around till one table stood out with a dagger sticking up "leo?" Mattheo asked I nod showing him kylo bracelet "where you find that?" He asked "malfoy place" i mumble looking around for a clue "Addy the dagger was our clue" he said taking me out of the place "malfoy here he's up to something" mattheo said softly I nod we both apprate back the riddle mansion looking at the map "what's going on?" Darcy asked as he drew a line from malfoy to hogsmade "mattheo" I asked him looking up at him "I know" he strokes my back "what's going on?" She asked again "look at the map and what does it tell you?" I asked her "that you made a line to Leo clues?" She asked "right so where's his next stop?" I asked her she looks down "the Conqueror of death at hogwarts" she said softly I nod Mattheo apparates me to hogwarts seeing Leo the corner of my eye I run up to him hugging him as I give kylo his bracelet I take kylo "you have to go someone is after you and want to kill you" i explain mattheo passed him his dagger they both smile at each other "you never will give up finding kylo so I came out the shadows and gave you hints that I know you will find" he explains before walking off "he will be ok won't he?" I asked mattheo "always is come on" he smiled we both apprate back to riddle mansion "am never letting you go ever again" I tickle kylo smiling as he laughs "he would need sleep eventually" mattheo asked behind me "he can in the middle of us both" I smiled turning to him kiss pecking him then go upstairs playing with him with his toys "shes scared and happy Tom used to call it scrappy" pansy said behind me "fits in well" mattheo said softly before walking up to us "you being scrappy?" He asked "no.." i mumble smiling at kylo as he shakes his toy he sits down behind me with his head on my shoulder "don't you have meetings or whatever?" I asked him "your pushing me away..think I will steal kylo?" He asked "don't put words into my mouth" I said softly "he is my child also and where will I run? to the kitchen?" He asked "could you without kylo?" I asked him "m-mattheo I think she n-needs space?" Pansy asked him I faced back to kylo playing peek a boo hiding my face with his hands then showing saying boo "Addy can we talk?" She asked "sure" i smiled moving kylo onto my lap giving him kisses till he put his hands on my face I move them away "without kylo" she asked I looked over to her picking kylo up standing up hard job but did it "no" I said softly then get some toys from the cot going downstairs to the living room "sayyy mommy" I asked him bouncing my leg smiling he just laughs playing with the toys "this is worse then your scrappy" I heard Tom complain "I never had a 'scrappy' got it?" Pansy said to him "first lie today just change kylo into food wiping your tears every 10 minutes" Tom said "y-the show was sad" she said "it was a romance not even a show it was a movie" he said "the scene got to me enough me this is about addy she's in pain falling" she explains "if she wants space or not am helping her" I heard mattheo say before his drink clanks onto the counter as he sits next to me "6 minutes 2 hours 21 seconds" I said softly looking up at him "is this your crazy study thingy you had going?" He asked "how long you left us" i said "and your damaged in those moments" he said softly "your hurting he won't be gone and remember leo saved him from the people who was gonna take kylo" he explains i look at kylo to him playing with his toys on the playmat "still alive?" I asked him looking down at kylo then back at mattheo "he don't know who is after him yet but when he does then no" he whispers "already done" new voice picked up I looked over to Leo full of blood "dude you alright?" Blaise asked him I vamp speed to Leo and hug him "thank you for taking care of my baby" I said softly he pulls away "always but you'll need to clean your clothes" he smiled "comfy clothes!" I shout "not baggy" I heard darcy shout I groan at the steps

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