Arrival parents

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At the main hall

Everyone is there people stormed in getting everyone's attention ohhhh shit "they look around 50? can't be students" Blaise said to someone "you know them?" Leo asked me "unfortunately" I sighed "mrs and mr Bennett..." albus said "your dad is a homicidal killer" a girl whispers to me "where do you think I got my killer jene from to kill your bestie?" I asked her smiling "daughter" he said looking straight at me everyone turned to me "nice entrance bit late" I smiled "got your attention didn't I?" He asked "just about" I smiled getting up to them "hungry?" He asked smiling "no..I don't do that anymore because when was the last I tried it?" I asked him he sighed "had to chain you up till you begged for more for draining you out with vervain but your loss" he explains i roll my eyes "what you eat?" My mum asked me "bunnies and chickens? What did you think I eat?" I asked her "drop the attention" she said glaring at me I smiled "your wearing a protection?" She asked I nod "blood bags" i sighed to her following dad out "how did you marry him again?" I asked her he turns to me I fuck him off "I-I just did after ripper stefan killed him I brought him alive and havnt gone back since then" she explains "she asked how you met her dad not how he died" leo explains "who this fucking nerd?" Dad asked I closed my eyes trying to calm down I turn to him "I'll call you enzo if you don't shut up" I said pissed "don't speak to me like that am your father not your toy!" He said I roll my eyes "didn't realise sorry" I said sarcastically "this is Mike same traits as you" I said he nods "and that one?" mum asked I turned and saw mattheo walking up "riddle I was talking about" I shrugged "awww I feel flattered" he jokes "suck a dick with your issues" I said to him "what's up your ass jeez" he said moving away "her dad pissed her off as always" she explains "that's why I left surprised he hasn't eaten you yet" i shrugged "he eats people?" Mattheo asked shit i forget to tell them "my mum is a witch my dad is a vampire had sex she got pregnant had me a heretic which is a Vampire and which" I explain and turned to her "correct?" I asked her with her mouth wide open "leave that for dad not me" I said closing her mouth he laughs "don't walk away from me am not done!" She said following me "well I am Iv got?...who have I got?" I asked mattheo since he knows my time table "pinky pie" he shouts walking up to me with Leo huh I guess from afar he is cute hopefully he stays that far "your dating him don't say shit behind his back" mattheo said "say what?" He asked "nothing to important just the guy am dating" I said smiling "which is?" He asked "that he's cute from a distance?" I said smiling "what's his name?" He asked "Leo piss head" I smile "never heard of him" he said "oh I know you don't" I said ruffling his hair smiling "dating who? and when?" Dad asked "your a boy..figure it out" I said patting his chest "your cleaver when you want to be" I smiled "don't start fighting please" mum begs I stab him with Leo's dagger he groans in pain "oh shit..MY DAGGER!" he screams "mhm blood" I said as I rip it out of him "your lucky that's fucking steal!" He shouts "yup" I shout back walking inside

A/N:sorry this part is shorter then the others but the next couple of parts are gonna be worth it
632 words

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