Risk taker

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After that incident happened luckily and just our look is that his dad didn't see our clothes or did and ignored it but don't think he would so there's that but if we did get caught I'll blame it on mattheo and his horniness

"How was it?" Pansy mouthed I walked a little slow hes infront "scary" i mouth she looks at me confused I let go over to her "you seem fine?" She asked softly "for now ever since the chair and in toms room he's been at it like everywhere" i explain she covers her mouth shocked "don't feel the same?" She asked I shake my head "instead of you letting him go to those places go to the bedroom" she said softly "tried that..I hate him" I cover my face "where this time?" She asked "his dads office but he was gonna walk in so we went to the next room" i mutter "oh shit" she said softly "worse case scenario is that he either saw our clothes under his desk and ignored it or didn't see them" i said "he won't ignore them" she said confirmed it "that's what I thought with him walking in swaying them infront of your faces I'm so having a nightmare" i bang my head on the table she laughs "yeah that sounds like it" she said I looked up "no sex policy you and Tom tried that? how did that go?" I asked her remembering "oh girl you both will fail that mainly him we almost failed it actually not almost because that's got me pregnant so we definitely failed" she explains "fuck.." I mumble "am avoiding him" I said sitting up "he'll know and think he's done something" she said softly "and try and fix it" he said looking down "exactly" she said softly "you two seem comfortable" darcy said walking in "I'm not telling him he'll just think am embarrassed and I am but his office?" I ask see pansy "wo-what happened in someone's offic..e" darcy asked figured it out "oh Mary shits" she covers her mouth "Voldemort almost walked in on them but they moved to the room next to it and left there clothes under his desk but he hasn't seen them" pansy explains to her quietly so the boys don't here as they play some game "oh that's messed up-I-not to be rude or anything" darcy said "it's getting to far say all you want" i explain she nods "unfortunately I can't" she whispers looking up me and pansy look over mattheo holds his hand out I get up taking it walking around to the kitchen "you alright?" I asked him sitting on the counter "y-no i.i don't know" he said softly I look at him confused before getting off the counter getting him a drink closing the fridge passing it him "there's something your not telling me you and the girls had a lot to talk about and something felt odd when in the office" he explains shit "I-just not..am not feeling good" I shrugged looking down "bullshit what is going one?.." he asked I cross my arms looking up at him "why risky? why do you want someone walking in on us so fucking bad?" I asked him or that I wish I did I didn't have the guts to "told you don't feel well" I said softly "talk to me when it's the truth" he said before walking off right now I hate myself for making me date a riddle I get the car keys and walk out slamming the door going to the car muggle world hope you like me pissed off at myself and riddle

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